Chapter 3 Day 2

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Joe was walking around trying to find a place to hide. He came across a school building. "This will do." He said to himself. He walked up to the school building and walked in closing the front door behind. As soon as he started walking down the hallway another person walked in. He turned around. "Susan you scared the hell out of me." He said. "Sorry." She replied to him. She walked up to him. "I locked that door, so no one can come in." She said to him. They both walked into a room, and sat down in the chairs.  

"It's actually scary you know." She said. He nodded staring at the wall. "It is scary actually." He stayed quiet for a minute. "I didn't do it, if that's what you're wondering. I didn't kill my son. I loved my son, like I love all of my kids. That's why I came to do this without a fight to them. Because if I win this, I can walk out of jail a free man, and see my kids." He said. Susan looked at him. "Who killed your son?" She asked him. "Now don't think I didn't do a lot of bad things, because I did. I sold drugs and everything, and in that business you make enemies. I made one. He told me, if I didn't pay him his money by a certain time, someone close to me was going to die." He paused. "Well one night, I got my son to lie down and go to sleep, and I went to my bedroom, ad laid down myself. The guy broke into my house." Joe stopped and started to cry. "He went to my son's room, and killed him. All over some money, stupid fucking money. I got the time, because there was no evidence it was him, or anybody else. All of it led back to me." Joe finished his story. He was crying, cursing at himself.  

Susan started to pat him on the back. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know." Susan said to him. Both of them looked up in a hurry, because they heard a click. "What was that?" Susan asked. "I swear it was a click. Like somebody was putting something together." Joe replied. They both stood up, and started walking towards the door. Joe grabbed the door handle, and opened the door slowly. When he got the door ajar, he heard a snap, and axe came flying down from the right. Joe jumped back. "At least I didn't walk out on that." He said. 

Both them walked out of the room and started to walk around the school. "We have to be careful in here now, because I can already tell this place is trapped from hell and back." Joe said to Susan. They looked around, walking extra carefully. They came to a door that was budged. Joe tried to open it. "Let me, I want you to make it home to your kids." Susan said. Susan hit the door open and walked in. 

Lauren was walking down a street, half limping. She was bleeding from her lip, and her forehead. She looked behind her. Behind a bush she saw a man standing halfway behind, just watching her. "Hello? Is that one of you guys?" She yelled out. The man put the rest of his body behind the bush. She turned back around and kept walking forwards. She stopped for a second and sat down. She grabbed the top of her head, and saw the blood on her hand. Her eyes started rolling in the back of her head, and she fell back. "I need sleep." She whispered hoarsely. Within a couple seconds she had fallen asleep. 

When she woke up, she was in a boiler room. It was steamy, with a red effect to it. "Hello?" She called out. She could hear the mice running around. She started walking around. "Lauren. I'm coming for you." A man said in a deep voice, followed by a laugh. "Who is that?" Lauren called out. Lauren started to hear a screeching noise, and she covered her ears. "Stop it." Lauren yelled. The screeching stopped and Lauren uncovered her ears, walking backwards pressing up against a sheet. Four razors came out of the sheets and started cutting down them. Lauren screamed and ran off. She looked back and looked around. She turned around to face the front of her, and a man with a hat, razors for fingers, and a red and green stripped sweater was standing there. Lauren let out a loud scream and ran the other way. "Who are you" Lauren yelled. The man let out a laugh. "Lauren, I'm your worst nightmare." Freddy yelled to her. Freddy jumped out at her. Lauren screamed and went to run. "Hey Lauren, watch this." Freddy said to her. Lauren turned around. Freddy put his hand up, and cut off two fingers with his razors. "Oops. I had an accident." Freddy laughed.  

Lauren ran up a set of steps. When she got to the top, Freddy was standing there. "There's no escaping me." Freddy said pushing Lauren down the steps. At the bottom of the steps was a bed, which Lauren fell on to. She laid there motionless. Freddy came down the stairs, standing right on top of her. Freddy picked her up using gravity, and cut her four different times on her stomach and face. She fell on the bed, landing in her own blood. Outside of the dream, Lauren was lying on the pavement on her back, shredded to death. 

"Well we have survived the School of Hell, the last couple of rooms." Susan said growing weak. "I'm starving." Susan said. Susan opened up one door, and stepped on a bear trap. Susan cried out. She put her hands down, and they got snapped by mouse traps. Susan then screamed. "Run." She yelled. Joe looked at her. "I can't leave you." He said to her. "Joe, run now. It's an order." She yelled in pain. Joe listened to her and ran. Joe reached the front doors, and bolted out them.  

Susan started crawling out of the room, with a bear trap on her ankle. She was crying, and her ankle was dripping blood. A guy appeared from another hallway and started walking towards Susan. He was wearing a jumpsuit, and a cloth mash. He was dragging a big red box with him. He grabbed Susan by her good ankle and took of the bear trap. "Thank you." Susan cried out. The guys picked Susan up and threw her in the box. She hit her head and went into a doze. She could see, but it was all a blur, until she felt the pain. The guy was taking giant nails, and hammering them into her legs, then hooked them. She started screaming in pain. After he finished putting her through pain, he locked her up in the box.

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