Dear Process,

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"Naruko!" Kushina called up the stairs "You're going to be late if you don't get up honey!" Naruko turned over in bed, once again, attempting to ignore Kushina's calls out to her. "Naruko Namikaze get your blonde ass outta bed before I cut your hair off and make a coat out of it!" And as if death had been wished upon her Naruko leaped out of bed. Before being able to collect herself she was thrown back onto her bed by her red fox Langesley [Pronounced Laang-suh-ley] brushing his fur lightly she staggered out of bed and into the black bathroom. Turning her head and gazing lightly out of the window she noticed 2 birds nestling together on a nearby sakura tree.

'how nice, to be loved by a boy'.

She turned away feeling disgusted towards her own pitifulness, her mind wandering towards sasuke. Wondering if he was still the same condescending ass she remembered him to be but shaking off the thought remembering the reliving fact that she didn't actually have to look at his annoying face ever again.

Naruko released her hair from the tight bun tied on her head and let her hair fall gently around her face. She stared into the mirror and took a few silky strands in between her fingers, rubbing them together and subconsciously revelling in the smoothness. She took off her pyjamas and stepped carefully into the shower cubicle and lazily turnt on the shower. She stood and basked in the pure and comforting heat, if only every day wasn't a week day, but nevertheless life goes on. She stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel, took another short look at herself, smiled and made her way into her room. She dried herself gently, making sure to keep the moisture in her skin, Creamed her body with Tangerine scented cream that Naruto had given her when he last came home and slipped on her uniform. Naruko had always been a fan of the school uniform at Konoha. A white shirt and black vest with a sage green skirt and Bow, including a Green blazer in winter and cold seasons.

As she finished putting on her uniform she revisited the bathroom with a hairbrush to comb and possibly even plait her hair, well that was only if she had the energy to. She ran the comb through her canary yellow tresses 100 times before setting the hairbrush down and attempting with limp and half-asleep arms to weave the hair together but to no avail. In the end she gave up and tied the back bit that reached below her bum up into two ponytails either side her head and left her bangs out.

As she trudged downstairs with her bag and shoes, a familiar sound rang vaguely in her ear, where had she heard that tune before? where had it come from? Her steps quickened towards the sound and led her into the kitchen where Minato, her dad sat at the table reading a book and drinking coffee while her mother, kushina lovingly leaned over his shoulder and listened to him read out something that she laughed gracefully to then went back to the pan that was on the stove.

'What a wonderful family...'

she thought to herself, smiling at how wonderful her mother and father were to eachother, respect. Mutual respect. that's all they had. Maybe that's what she and sasuke had back then, Mutual Respect?

ugh whatever, she thought to herself. Sasuke means nothing to me now.

Her mother had spent about the entirety of Naruko's breakfast lecturing her about getting up in the morning and rushing around, thinking about her 'busy' day ahead, which would consist of drinking tea and 'being ladylike', as Kushina liked to put it. Naruko had never really thought of it as busy, just.... just..... she didn't even know.

It dawned on Naruko that if she sat eating breakfast any longer she'd be late for school, so with a begrudging sigh she lugged her bag onto her shoulder, settled her feet into her shoes and stepped silently out of the front door, making sure that her mother didn't hear her leaving.

Walking down the streets, she was greeted by at least 14 different people, people she'd never even met before, people who didn't even go to her school. Always bothering her, always badgering her, be it group dates or single ones, or borrowing notes... generally most of the things Naruko hated.

She was pretty much the best girl you could ever meet, cheerful, pretty, smart, stylish, friendly, easy to approach. needn't anyone remind you most of these traits make your typical class ass. Thankfully Naruko didn't have the overly-bitchy trait.

As she walked along the pavement her mind wandered towards the subject of her schools next thirteen prefects. Thirteen different people are picked out every year and the leading prefects-- nicknamed P4, would be picked from the best class, in a very unfortunate blunder her class was the best so therefore they were picked.

'Neji will definitely be a Prefect, so will Hinata, Maybe even Sakura-chi?'

as her thoughts distracted her from her steps she found herself Colliding into someone and falling with a rough bump onto the floor

"The heck--?" she said as she sat rubbing her bum on the floor. "Ah, my bad Sweetheart" A bashful but mature voice came echoing from above. In pain, she flashed her eyes up to the man who she had bumped into and glared. He put out his hand, flashing spiky looking pearly whites. "You okay?" large hands grabbed her waist and propped her up onto her feet, holding her forearms until he was certain her balance was restored.

Naruko looked at him, aqua blue eyes shining with curiosity, His face was cute and childish but he was about 2 heads taller than her and his hair fell around his face in long silvery blonde strands. As her gaze met with his after a thorough sizing up the colour of his eyes striked her, a grey and blue so blended that it appeared as a deep shade of purple, a light and carefree shine glazing his Brombeere Irises.

"You okay sunshine?" he asked, brushing off her shoulders and smiling energetically. "Tip top!" she said smiling and saluting after he handed her the bag she'd dropped. "Sorry, I didn't even realise you were there-- Going to Konoha?" he said tugging on the collar of her jacket."uhmm, why?" Naruko cautiously asked, wondering why she hadn't already walked off after saying a curt 'thank you'. "well, I figured we could make the journey together?" he said, pointing a thumb at the Konoha emblem imprinted on his black knit vest, a orange swirl with a green leaf and a black set of nine tails that looked like a lotus, "Hey there, short 'n' shiny, names Suigetsu." he flashed his teeth again, pearl white and sharp looking incisors flashing generously in the sunlight. "Short 'n' Shiny? is that what you call a girl you just met? what if my pure soul is pained by your words?" Naruko taunted, crossing her arms and smiling deviously at Suigetsu. "Those don't sound like the words of a 'pure souled' little missy, that smile isn't all that convincing either-" he snickered, imitating her stance.

They stared at each other for a while, raising a staring competition but both eventually losing after bursting out laughing and realizing that they'd be late if they didn't get their back-sides into gear.

On the way there the two of them talked a lot, first about families, then ages and then houses. they covered most 'getting to know' bases. Naruko learned four important points about Suigetsu , one, he had an older brother called Mangetsu who he lived with in a 2 bedroom apartment, 2, Suigetsu was one year older (18) than her meaning he was in the first year of the college course, 3, his favourite drink is water and he loves Jelly, and four, He wants to be an Olympic swimmer.

By the time she had finished her feet had somehow guided themselves to her school, a great towering marble and glass building with waterfalls and  flower gardens, a place for civilised people, an elites school, her place of education since all that time ago.

Her face lit up as she walked up to the door with Suigetsu, anticipating another day of high school...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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