Lapin Blanc Pt.2

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Ok firs of I want to apologize for not updating like I said I would yesterday. A huge storm hit my town and the power went out and It was just a mess. So I do want to apologize for not keeping my promise. But the good news is that I only have 4 days of school left so when summer comes I will be able to update a lot more! :D

Me and Chat Noir were on the Eiffel Tower watching for trouble but also awaiting the arrival of this mystery bunny as Chat keeps calling her. When I was about to suggest we go looking in other areas sense we are still on patrol the White bunny hero arrived "Sorry I am late my family would not let me go. You understand right?" "Oh ya we do. So my name is ladybug and this is my partner Chat Noir." We shook hands and she said "Well hello Ladybug, Chat Noir, but I already know who you are everyone in france knows who you are" She said with a smile "Well my name is Lapin Blanc (means White Rabbit) and questions I really don't know what you want to know about me" She sat down and had a pleasant smile on her face.

I thought of some questions and asked "How did you get your powers? Why are you just now showing up?" "Well a old woman gave me mine about a year ago, but there was like no crime or at least any for a superhero like me and I heard you guys fight down here some real nasty stuff so I just thought I would come here and see if you need any help. If you don't want me here I can go I just thought I would offer my help." I thought about it then Chat said "So Lapin what is your power? I am kind of confused on it. And you are supposed to be a bunny right?" She laughed and said "Well I am a Rabbit not a bunny and my power is duplication to an extent I can make 3 other copies of my self that are independent and can do things on there own but they can only take so much before they disappear."

I got up and said "We should go on patrol now we do have school tomorrow school" we jumped from roof to roof and we joked a little but really did not talk much then when it was 12:00 we all went home.

I got to the roof of my house and I saw Lapin on a roof two houses over. She was sitting down and was looked happy but a little sad. I went over to her and sat down next to her, she did not seem like she wanted to talk so I just sat with her.

She toke a deep breath and said "Why did you not go home?" I looked at her and said "Well I don't want to go home yet...Why did you not go home?" "Well I just have a lot on my mind. I just moved here and I already had to fight an Akuma." We laughed "Well take it as a welcome to the great city of Paris." we joked around for a bit nothing important.

It was now well 1:30 and I was really tired but she did not seem phased. I yawned and said "How are you not tired? I am exhausted especially after that big fight today. OH YA! Thanks for saving me today! I totally forgot to thank you sorry." "Oh no biggy all in the days work of a superhero. Also to answer you I am a writer and I stay up till like 4 in the morning writing, editing, and everything else that this is nothing." she said with a smile and stood up "Well I should be getting home I am tired so see you later" She got up and bounced away, Before this I did not notice how high she can jump she must get that from her rabbit Kwami as a bonus.

I headed home and got in my room and de-transformed "Tiki, Spots Off." The little ladybug landed on my hands and said "So do you accept her on to your team? She seems nice." I looked at her and said "Ya I think I do. She seems nice and she has that duplication power. Also It is good that have more help sometimes."

I got dressed for bed and went to sleep. Ready for the next day, well that's what I thought.

Author's Note: This is a short chapter because it is just a continuation of the last chapter and I did not want to start the next day and then everything would be all of so ya. Hopefully you don't mind. Don't for get to Vote, Comment, and add to your Library and your Reading List.


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