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I woke up early for once and grabbed a shower, cooked breakfast for me and my parents, and I even got a new design started. I did not wrap my hand today for it felt better today. Then I grabbed the project and walked to school, for once I was the first one there. So I sat at my an Alya's usual spot and continued the design from this morning.

Then a shadow appeared on my sketch. I looked up to see who it was, It was Adrian. He looked at me and smiled then sat on the step next to me. "So how is your hand?" I lifted it up and showed him "Its better It does not hurt as much anymore so I did not wrap it today." He held my hand but still gentle. Then "Queen Bee" came up to us "Adrikins!! What are you doing holding this peasant's hand!!" and she looked at me in disgust. She then grabbed Adrian's arm and pulled him away. He tore his hand free and said "Chloe, I don't appreciate how you talk to Mari." there he goes again. He has been calling me Mari a lot lately, does he like me? No Marinette don't get too ahead of yourself. I then heard him continue "You treat everyone like they are nothing when one day you are going to look back and find that you have no friends when you need them the most." I was amazed at how calm he was talking but it looked hard for him. I am not sure if it was just talking that way too her for once or just struggling to stay calm. He then walked back to me, grabbed my hand gently, and we walked inside the school.

We then walked to a bench in the gym. Just as we sat down I heard a camera snap and saw Alya taking a picture of us. Nino was giving him a thumbs up, I looked down and saw that Adrian was still holding my hand. I did not even notice that he was still holding my hand, my hand and his just felt so natural together. I felt my face turn red and took my hand back.

The rest of the time Alya was questioning me about how I was early and why Adrian was holding my hand. I told her that Chloe was bullying me this morning and Adrian told her off. Then the bell rang and we all when to class.

-----Time Skip-----

Class was finally over when a scream came from the cafeteria. Me and Adrian ran to the scream and I saw Dylan run it at the same time but from another door.

I saw Chloe tied to a giant skateboard that was being spun around by the newest akumatized villain. He was wearing black and green body suit that had a fire pattern on it. I saw enough and ran to the closest bathroom. I opened my back and Tiki flew out "TIKI SPOTS ON!"

Once transformed I ran back to the cafeteria. Lapin blanc came quickly after but Chat was nowhere to be found. "Lapin ready?" she looked over at me and pulled out her fans and nodded. We went in for the attack. It was pretty hard to not hit Chloe 1.) because she was Chloe and mean to everyone. 2.) The villain was using her as a shield so it was harder to fight him.

I was tired of this game of cat and mouse well actually the cat in this game was still not present but I said to this new villain. "So what you go by skater dude?" He looked over at me and yelled "I am not skater dude, I am Skatenator." He then threw a mini skateboard and it grew into another giant skateboard. It was about to hit me when a certain black cat came just in time. "Sorry I am late girls." he then grabbed my previously hurt hand. "Is your hand alright." I nodded "yes but this is not really the time for this." I pushed him of of me and now that all us where here I had time to come up with a plan.

The only thing was that I needed to know where the akumatized item was. "Any ideas on where the akuma is?" Lapin was the one to respond. "Ya I think it is his dog tag" (That is a type of necklace not a actual collar that dogs wear.) Lapin then lept at him so to keep him from harming the other students that have not left yet. Chat was fighting him too but seemed distracted, he was not fighting like usual. I then shook my head and said to myself "I don't have time to worry about that tom cat. There is people to save and and akuma to defeat." I then lept on top of a table.

I threw my yo-yo up in the air and yelled "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG" A bottle of goo and a net dropped from the sky that was of course red and black. I looked around and came up with a plan "Lapin take this and use your clones to drop this goo in a circle surrounding him and Chat Noir you make sure he stays in the center." they both nodded and lept away. I stayed outside the ring and waited for them to get done. Lapin, I am assuming the original came and said that is was all done. I then yelled "Chat! Lapin...well all Lapins. Come over here and stand behind me" As they got behind me The Skatenator ran for us with Chloe still in hand.

He was running at full speed but was stopped mid-step. Chat then lept up and yanked of the dog tag and ran threw it to me "For you my Bugaboo." I snapped the tag and caught the akuma and purifying it.

After the fight Lapin disappeared without saying a word. Chat strolled over to me and said "Well that was a quick fight." I looked at him and crossed my arms "Quick? You were only here for half the fight!" He scratched the back of his head which reminded me of Adrian a little "Well I guess it was my turn. Sense you were late to the last fight hehe?" he said with a hopeful grin. I sighed "Fine I will let you off the hook this time. Just don't be late to patrol tonight." He smiled and grabbed my hurt hand "You sure you hand is ok? Nothing wrong with it? It's not wrapped today." I smiled at his genuine concern which reminded me of Adrian again. He was reminding me so much of Adrian but why? I squeezed his hand "Yes Kitty. I am alright It's better It does not hurt as much anymore so I did not wrap it today." He seized up for a minute and let go of my hand "I have to go now Ladybug" He then left out the cafeteria door and disappeared around the corner.

I did the same but a different door, ran back to the girls bathroom which always seemed to be empty when I needed to transform, and transformed back. Tiki flew in my bag and I went back to class. On the way I ran into Allya and Nino, they were staring at Alya's phone probably looking at the footage she got of Ladybug's fight. She always seemed to get footage of the fights even when I did not see her there. "Hey Alya, Nino, what are you looking at?" she looked up at me "Girl the latest akuma attack!" She and nino then went back to talking about the video. Those two were perfect for each other.

I then headed back to class I was the only one in the class but written on the bored was a note from Mrs. Bustier "Class is out for the rest of the day. Please leave your projects here and be safe on the way home." I was glad that class was out I went to my seat to pack up my stuff.

I heard someone walk in and looked up to see who it was. I was happy to see Adrian there and not Chloe or Sabrina. "Hey Adrian did you see the fight in the cafeteria? Chat Noir, Lapin Blanc, and Ladybug defeated the akuma again." I smiled at the self complement. He looked up at the bored, "So no more class? Hey Mari you busy tonight?" I was glad that he asked me but sad that it was tonight and not for tomorrow, I had patrol tonight. "No sorry I already have plans, but maybe I am free tomorrow?" I said hopefully. So many emotions flashed in his emerald green eyes that I could not tell if he was happy or sad. I mostly saw was confusion he then said "It ok I was just wondering. Well have a great rest of the day." and walked out of the classroom. I grabbed my stuff and did the same.

Authors Note: Well this was not one of my best chapters but I have some interesting stuff in mid for the next few chapters. So I am excited for that and I hope you are too. For not being one of my best chapters I think it was one of my longest out of all of my books written, this one was about 1525. But speaking of my other boos while you are waiting for the next one of this book how about looking at my other books? Ya sorry I can feel the shameful looks from here, but I really need some feed back on my latest books. But aside from the self advertising don't forget to Comment, Vote, and add to your Library to keep up with this book.


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