Chapter 1

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    I took a deep breath, the building before me was huge. Oh my gosh, how was I supposed to do this? Do I just waltz on in and say I want to start a singing career? Stop it Serenity, you're over thinking it, I told myself. I had called in and scheduled this meeting, and I wouldn't miss it because I over thought it. I clutched my handheld bag even tighter. I walked through the big double doors, and I was immediately blasted with air conditioner. I glanced around and saw a counter. I walked over and leaned forward to look over the counter. Immediately a lady popped up, the top of her head smacking me on the nose.

"Ow," I grumbled, rubbing it.

"Omigosh! I am sooo sorry!" She cried, "I just thought you were like... a regular, but obviously you're new."

  Gosh, she could tell that much? Am I that obvious? Or is she just a reader or something?

"Yeah... anyways I have a meeting with Mr. Meltzing," I mumbled.

"Oh yeah, okay, just head on up," She said motioning to the elevator. I nodded a goodbye, and rushed to it. I was already late, so I had to rush. I tapped the up button, and when it took forever to come down, I started poking it over and over. It opened, and thankfully, no one was in there. I stepped in and pressed the seventh floor. A song started playing, and I since I mainly listened to stuff that wasn't on the radio, I couldn't recognize it. I didn't have time to shuffle through my bag, and find my phone so Siri could tell me what it was, so I just shrugged and walked out of the elevator. A long light purple hallway with all sorts of music notes and instruments painted on the walls lay in front of me. I walked down it, looking at the doors to see where I had to go. Aha, Mr. Meltzing, I was tempted to just burst through the door, but right as I was about to knock, it opened. I'M MAGIC! Not. A tall girl stood there, with long, wavy dark red hair. She looked down her nose at me, and she had the NERVE to SNIFF at me, and marched past. I stood there, blinking and unsure what to do. I slowly walked in, and a man with black hair sat in a chair at the end of a large table.

"Serenity Mounstrel?" He asked.

"Yup, that's me," I laughed awkwardly.

"Mmm, take a seat and tell me about your past of singing," He said, spinning around in his chair.

"Ah... okay," I sat down in a chair, "I started singing... around four, and I won "The World's Next Musical Prodigy." Um... and I've wrote a few songs, I have them here..."

"I knew you looked familiar, so... do you have a recording of your songs?" Mr. Meltzing asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yeah, somewhere in my bag," I said, as I reached in there and shoved things left and right. I searched, and not able to find the flash drive, I started having a heart attack, "Uh one second." I dumped everything out on the table, and moved in around. Nothing.

"Ugh... I seemed to have forgotten... my drive," I mumbled, resting my head in my arms.

"Mmm, well you must always be prepared, but... if you are really prepared, then you'll be fine with just singing it in a recording studio," He said. My head shot up so fast, I felt dizzy for a second.

"Yeah, that's... uh... great," I sighed, hoping I sounded confident. He got up, and led me out and through the hallway, to a large blue studio, "Wow."

"Yeah," Mr. Meltzing laughed, "Now get in there. I'm running on a schedule, I have to meet with Nellie again."

   I nodded, and walked into there. I picked up the headphones, and leaned towards the mic.

"So... what about the rhythm?" I asked.

"Just sing it, you don't need music in the background."

"Got it," I took a deep breath, and started:


"There is pain in this world,
And  I see it all.
There's pain spreading everywhere
 I know it all.
Because I hold the world in my hands,
Just like a ball.

We're dead, We're young,
We're lethal to the bone.
Look away as the fire burns this home.

Your pain cascades like a waterfall splashing,
And never ending.
It just ricochets off walls.
You'll just fly away on wings of pain.

We're dead, We're young
We're lethal to the bone.
Hold my hand as we walk through the fire,
And don't mind the storm that destroyed this city.

Creator, dimension, Lethal core of pain.
Fire, destruction, I've made it all.
I've made people regret their lives.
I have regretted ever living myself.
Pain is here, due to my
Lethal touch."

  I sighed, and put my hand on my chest. I hoped he liked it, it was something I had just written from my feelings. I awkwardly ran my hand through my light brownish-blonde-silver hair.

"So... how was that?" I asked into the mic.

"It's different," He said, leaning back, "Okay, well, the meeting is over, and Nellie gets mad if I'm late, and she is vicious when she's mad."

"Gah, yup, okay, well... bye!" I said, as I stepped out of the box. I rushed out, clutching my bag. I hoped me liked it.

Hey guys! It's blackzy! Anyways, this is the only song I will write, because, yes it is terrible. I will take songs and stuff, and I give all credit to the singer.

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