Intorduction part 1

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Carter pov


Great that's the sound of my stomach  I haven't eaten all day.



That's the sound of my Skate board hitting the ground as I turned the corner. I reach for my phone and see it's 3 am. What am I still doing up and skating on the street. yeah that's right I have no home, well not since today actually. My parents died and now I'm alone, I have to keep moving or else someone will find me and take me to an orphanage or foster care. I think I might go to one of my brothers house Max or Ethan. Ethan had been the quiet, smart one while Max was the loud, not stupid but averagely smart. he's the one who introduced me to my world of skate boarding, dancing and singer. ok singing and dancing I learned myself but everything else he thought me. 

I'm Carter Doyle. That sound white doesn't it. Well I'm mixed, well kind of. My mom is white/ black mixed and my dad is Italian. So I'm white, black and Italian. Even with the white and Italian background my skin color isn't as light like I want it to be, like my brothers.

It's about to be 4 and I really do need to find a place to stay. As I screech down the block I trip over a bush and end up at a side of a house. No lights in. Maybe I can sneak inside and sleep before who ever leaves here wakes up. I lift a window that leads me into a kitchen and quickly found a living room. I put my board on the ground and put a alarm. For 2 hours to wake up at 6.

***Flash back***

" Mama where is Ethan?" I said
" Isabell, is in labor" she said
( Isabell is Ethan, my brother, wife)
" Yay. I'm gonna have a niece or a nephew."

My family from my mom and dad side all came for our Sunday gathering. All but Ethan and Max. Ethan fine him and Isabel always come all the time. But I understand why he didn't come cuz Isabel in labor but max I don't understand why he didn't came. I mean he was the closer brother to me. He thought me everything I needed to know but I haven't heard from him since he left for collage.

" and Max"
" Carter, sweetie you know we haven't seen him since he graduated from high school. Sometimes I wonder if he is even alive."mom said

And then left to talk to my grandpa and grandma from my dad side. Oh well.
      As the day progressed my family left and it was just me, my dad and I. My dad offered to lean the kitchen while we clean the backward and the grill.

Then my mom and I hear a


We rushed to the kitchen to see a guy with a gun behind my dad.

" Oh the famous Doyle's have a kid. And a girl for that one. Carter I didn't know you got married again."

   Married I'm not married but I realized he's talking about my dad cuz his name is carter as well.

" married to a beautiful one as well" he said

" but I was assigned to kill you and your wife. Sadly not the kid but I wish I was." He continued

" Noami, Carter run please." My dad said before he was shot in the chest.

But I knew the bullet wasn't deep because my dad an officer. He had his bullet proof vest under his Clothes cuz he was going to work after this. Then I feel a splash of blood drip down the side of my face but it wasn't mine. I turned and see my mom lifeless body on the ground, while her blood was all over me. And the guy with the gun left. My dad got up, sore but he got up. I knew the vest caught the bullet but the bullet did end up scratching him.

" Noami. Noami. Please wake up" my dad said
" Dad she's gone. Let's go to the station and report this. I know you can find the guys who did this." I said
" yeah your right. Help me to the car Carter and we could go. " he said

Never we made it to the car. The gun man came back unhappy

" I got orders that I could kill you, young girl and here I find your dad still alive. I might have to take care of this. " he said mad

A bullet went right through my dad head creating a hole and he fell but not before he whispered something to me.

" Don't take revenge. Don't avenge our death. Your mom and I both love you. I love you. Bye my dearest girl." My dad said before he feel to the  ground.

" now for you" the gun man said

Being a dancer my mom also signed me for gymnastic. Using my skill I dodge some bullets the gun man shot at me. He then shot a bullet at me but it scraped my arm. I managed to get my board and leave but not before he chased me around the house.

I felt scared



End flashback

My first interracial story. I hope you like it.
Love you all
Check out my other stories.
Heart one love💕

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