Chapter 1

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When we got Jake down the door opened and men came in and attacked me and danny I grabbed the closest thing to me that I could grab it was the chains one after the other went down like they were nail and I was the hammer. By the time I got all the ones who attacked me tied up with the chain danny was not done so I grabbed the nearest weapons a knife and a wip I made my way threw the crowd soon me and danny ran out of the room with jake between us and we got threw the guards until we were surrounded by guards and we got to a dead end "so what now do we fight or let them take us Danny or do we find a way out?" he looked around then pointed to an air vent big enough for three men "you and jake could go thru there a friend of mine is rating down the road in the woods by the long stream" I looked at him but he would not meet my eyes he just yelled " get going now!" but I just stood there and grabbed a gun from one of the guys we tied up and raised it up and said "I am like my father but more like my mother valentine should have told you my mother wanted a child but my father did not she got her way and my father told my mother to shoot my horse when it was a foal because its legs were broke but she did not she just hid the amo and now Ace is one of the fastest horse on my ranch" he just smiled and helped me hide jake in the air vent.

Soon we were surrounded by men with guns pointed at us and we were fighting hand to hand and with anything we could get our hands on all I could think of was to get to Danny and find valentine and get jake help. By the time I found Danny I lost sight of him and I had unlocked the door and shouted for danny as I got jake out of the vent and headed out the door taking out the guys who attack me until danny is by my side and he mumbled "you are one stubborn girl just like your father lily bell" I glanced at him then stuck my head in the air vent and blew a silver whistle that was my grandfathers old police dog command whistle Danny just stared at me when I climbed out but he did not steer long for more men attacked us and Jake had not waken up. Before more men came we went into the vent and I took a key from one of the fallen men. As soon as we were clear I took out the key and unlocked the door not knowing what was on the other side. When we got outside danny pointed to a part of the woods where a tall wide man stood in hunting gear and beside him was a women that had long dark hair and a deep tanned skin also brown eyes she looked like she steep had right out of the movie pocahontas but in real life and she wore blue jeans and a tank under an open western shirt and a stensen on her head also a pair of worn boots too. Me and Danny made our way towards them Danny was ahead of me and jake I looked ahead while jake mumbled in his deep sleep half way towards them I heard gunfire. Then I turned around fast and started running with Danny my my side helping with jake together we got into the woods and I felt pain in my leg but I still stumbled on with jake between danny and I until we made it too the man and woman and drove away no one seemed to notice my wound until danny noticed I clenched onto my wrist and dug my nails into it trying to take my mind off the wound and it painful throbbing "Lily let go of your wrist and let me see your leg" danny was kneeling in front of me with concern in his eyes and he was beating himself up about what happened. I let him take a look his eyes looked pained, and angry and in his eyes he was fighting a battle with himself but I smiled and said "don't kill yourself over something that is not your fault you will only make things worse I think that is how it goes I don't know my gram always tell me that as she eats the second batch of cookies i made because the first one always get burnt I don't know why but they do even if I watch them" I laughed a little when I noticed where the women was looking at my wrist where my nails dug into and she had handed me a bandage with a concern look but I just smiled and nodded a thank you as I tried to wrap my wrist up to stop the bleeding.

By the time my leg was patched up I was still trying to put the bandage on my wrist and would not let any one help. By the time I gave up jake was patched up and awake so when he beckoned me over from where he laid in the truck bed and he said "you're as stubborn as a mule you know that forster" he smiled and held his hand out for the bandage and I gave it to him and he reached for my wrist and he looked near where dug my nails into it and I had a scar from a wreck I had been in with Ace it was from a piece of glass I had found and cut myself with to take my mind off of my legs where they were pinned under Ace and him being under snow with his head on my saddle bags and I had wrote into my wrist a verse from my mother's favorite poem I have it said "down by the river is where I met him it was him who met me first under the colors of the moving sun" I didn't meet his eyes instead I looked at my boots until he let go of my wrist "thanks Jake do you know where Ace is?" he looked confused when I looked up then said "oh your horse Lucy and Ben got him at their barn not far from here and they are bringing him here with some of their horses and ben is going to drive the truck to their barn and lucy is going to show us the way out without being shot at not like it is not fun" he smiled when I laughed. When lucy and ben came with the horses Jake was already up and about after his three plates of chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and baked beans and four cups of water and ice tea and his two or five cups of coffee and two painkillers Danny kept fussing at him for it "now you're as excited as coyotes who cornered their prey" I laughed when he said that because that what my Gran said to my grandfather before he disappeared as he went out hunting for my father he kept on thinking he was going to find his boy but he would only come home with only more things my father left behind. I was deep in memory lane that I had not realized I was tracing the scars on my arm until Ace nickered a hello as I come towards them I saw my rifle was gone and was replaced with a toy one and my saddle bags were replaced with a fake saddle bag. When I turned on lucy and ben I heard shouts come from danny and jake but they stopped when ben pulled my fake rifle that he had gotten before he replaced it with the toy and he shot but it just shot water he looked like he was going to have a hissy fit and his guard lowered and I grabbed my shotgun and fired.

If you do not know me you would have not known that I hid guns all over the place in this case the shotgun was in my big Ol Jacket. Blood squirted out of his hand and shoulder then his leg he fell like a tree crashing down. I walked slowly towards him with the gun still pointing at him Danny and jake ran towards me danny looked like he was going to switch me with one of the cherry trees limbs Jake asked "what ya did that for they were going to take us out of here" "then how come he replaced my saddle bags with a fake bags and my fake gun with a toy gun if they wanted to help they would have left them alone and not have thought I was that stupid" as I talked the more the black dots danced in my eyes as my hidden wound bled under my hair then something hit my wound all I saw was fur and teeth then nothing but darkness and there was a pain everywhere in my body like I was swimming in a pool of acid while I was on fire at the same time. When I woke I was in the back of the truck with danny wrapping up my wounds and jake locking a pup that looked almost wolf like but with the color of an american akita that my father had gotten before I was born from a friend up in japan who was stationed there then I saw a heap in the other corner and before anyone could stop me I went up to it and lifted up a corner of the blanket I saw the mother dog. She was tied up and her mouth was taped it was my dog her color of coat was very recognizable because she was midnight black and she had tan spots on her coat she was the only akita I ever saw that was like that when I turned around to get a knife from my jacket danny looks at me sternly "don't you dare cut that dog loose she was the one who attacked you we don't want to try to pry that dog off of you again" I glared at him and snapped "was there a person behind me or something because my dog does not attack unless there was something that was going to hurt me or she was just playing and tackled me just to play around Mr.Smarty pants and now excuse me I got to release my akita which will attack if I tell her to and f.y.i her breed was hunting dogs for the japanese and they hunted bear" with that I was at my dog's side and cut off the rope and carefully took off the tape and she licked me afterwards and jake snickered at Danny then danny started to get up but he collapsed like he was hit by a rock or something when we reached him he was not hurt or anything so I said "I guess he has a concussion or he got up too fast and he was in pain already and the pain was too much for him to bare so he passed out" jake just shrugged and so we loaded Danny up into the truck and the dogs and headed out.When we were on the main highway Danny was still passed out and I was now in the passenger seat and jake was driving we talked a bit about where we are heading and shared funny stories about our family and us and I found out his father had died when he was eight in war and his mother was a drunky after that and she died when he was thirteen and that was when Danny found him and jake was from nevada and was born and raised there. When Jake asked me about my family I laughed "my grandma cooks too much and my uncle is sheriff and my mother's younger brother who died from cancer at the age of twenty-nine about six years ago and all of my family I knew old and new dead and boren we talked about it all also the best animals we have had until I fell asleep watching the lights go pass and listening to jake sing a theme song from a john wayne movie EL dorado. My dreams took me thru the sky and into the stars. 

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