Chapter 3

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When everyone left and my family went to bed Jake and I sneaked out to the barn and saddled ace and his sister and went for a ride too my garden. when we got to the garden is was pitch black out but we didn't care we were alone and we had each other. Jake grabbed my hand and we walked that way until we got to the tree and sat down with my dresses skirt covering our legs and be looked up at the sky from a hole in the tree and we told stories. I started singing when we told each other about our family even things we never told anyone before and things that we did and never told anyone before. I feel asleep in Jake's arms while I sang counting stars by one republic and Jake kissed my head and hearing the last note drifted into the air. When I woke I had a blanket over me and Jake was asleep beside me and we were on the grass. I turned around to where i was looking at Jake and I smiled and pulled out my camera that was in a spot under a root where I hide things and I took Jake's picture without knowing the flash was on and he woke up and I had enough time to lay down and hide the camera back under the root.

I heard him laugh as he leaned over and kissed me on the lips and I smiled and mumbled "good morning too you too" he chuckled as I kissed him back i felt happy being with him into his lips as he wrapped his arms around me "we can never let people tear us apart". when we stopped kissing to catch our breaths he asked "what are we doing and how come I feel like I'm being awaken each time i'm near you I don't get it how can I guy like me end up falling for you" he shakes his head "I don't deserve you I kidnapped you lily and yet you don't run away from me and never pull away and you treat me like I've never done something wrong how come you kiss me back after what i did too you?" I smile and blush "Jake I know how it feels like when you wonder why someone would love you after what you did I almost killed sheriff on my birthday and I sent him to the hospital for two months okay but he didn't care he wanted to know if I was okay and why I attacked him Jake I was almost rapped by one of valentines goons he was the one who tried to kill me in the fire Jake i blamed myself for what happened to my uncle not the person that caused it Jake I hated myself for it i almost shot myself in the head on the same road my mother died on I would have if my family hadn't come looking for me and found me they could get too me fast enough when someone shot my gun out of my hand Jake so I can overlook anything you do because I've probably done worse or seen worse Jake"

He looked at me and suddenly he kissed me. When we broke apart he put his hands on the side of my face and made me look into his face "lily I love you okay nothing will change that never not even if you decided to be a boy I would still love you okay no matter what I will always be there for you lily Anne Forster I-am-never-leaving-you-side" that makes me smile and blush. Soon we pack up and go home when someone asked us where we went we told them we were checking out my traps and my stashes of weapons. Everyone just gave us looks but never said anything only Jackson "you better not hurt her or we all will be on your case" that made everyone laugh when they heard it because i gave him my famous i can take care of myself look and cried out i can take care of myself" and that triggered my uncles and my older cousin and my brother and Jake also my father to surround me and before anyone could make a move gram shouted take it outside will you there is baby's asleep" we laughed and walked outside in the dark and they surrounded me and my cousins went first to try to take me down and then my brother and then Jake and then my youngest uncle up too my father.

My dad knows the ranch better than i do unlike my cousins and their fathers and my brother and Jake he was a lot harder to fool when I went into the woods too try to get him off guard was hard even in the dark he was hard to attack him but he managed to land a few hits on me and when I started to hide in the trees i had an advantage point on him and I jumped down from the tree and landed softly behind him and followed him until I had the perfect advantage point I got my rope that I made too feel like you're brushing up against leaves and put it on his arm and then on the other one and then i shot an arrow that made it seem like someone missed their target board and I through one of my cousins voices over where he arrow seemed to come saying sorry too Danny and he moved on then I made it t where when I moved the rope would be slack and I quietly moved and climbed the tree and put the rope over the arrow and the branch it was beside and let myself fall with the rope i my hands and when I hit the ground Danny was hanging in the tree and he managed to get loose of the rope and when he did I slipped into the shadows and through my rope too where it caught his foot and this way i can get him of focus and when i pulled the rope he just moved and regained his balance and when he looked behind i'm I was already in front of him and had let go of the rope and before he could see me in front of him I was behind him and then I jumped onto his back and swung myself around an draped an arm and swung myself back on to his back and I brought him down laughing with him and the others then I slid off of him and onto the ground everyone was soon tickling me and I was laughing. We stopped when it was dark soon we were eating s'mores around my fire pit and singing and laughing and ting having a good time and soon i was asleep on a blanket with my dogs around me.

When I woke I saw that I was in my room and my dogs were in their usual spot when they sleep with me and Jake was beside me in my recliner that hides away in a corner if my room and he had no shoes on and his feet were in my reach so I reached out and tickled his feet. He kicks out and shifts as he mutters "Danny stop" as Danny entered the room he heard Jake and he looked around and noticing me laying down and my hand near Jake's feet and me trying not to laugh then he backed out of the room. When he entered again he had the kids and the older kids with buckets of ice and we each got ice and then on three we dumped it on him. We laughed when Jake woke he thrashed around some and had a knife out blinking then he noticed us and he lowered the knife and put it back in its holster and asked "what the crap was that for" but none of us could answer because we started to put ice in each other's clothes and an we were chasing each other around the yard with ice buckets at four in the morning.

When I got tackled by kids trying to put ice in my shirt gram yelled "time to get ready for school kids and that means you too Jake and jack" from the house and we raced each other too the house even Danny ran too. thirty minutes later we were ready too go too school the kids who can't drive and is in middle school to high school in a van driven by sheriff's wife and sheriff was on the way to work and so was my other uncles but they were going too my garage and their wives on there way too work also and Danny had the elementary kids in another van while gram had the younger kids at the house me, Jake, and jack on motorcycles. I had on a pair of skinny jeans that was red and a white tank top and my Del la Luna jacket and my favorite brown high heeled boots and eyeliner and a little bit of black eye shadow and some Burt's bee's chap stick and my mother necklace and her rings on my middle fingers and I had given jack my father's ring and I had my hair in a curls with a silver bandanna head band on. Jake had on his Del La Luna jacket and a pair of blue jeans and gladiator sunglasses and a white t-shirt and his hair was trimmed military style and black finger less gloves like mine minus the sparkle. Jackson had on his jacket and a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt and aviator sunglasses and his hair too was military cut and finger less gloves on. gram had given them black and red book bags Jake had on the red one and Jackson the lack while I had my sparkly white covered in colored with sharpie book bag and Jake got his motorcycle which was black ninja style with flame and Jackson had his which he must have brought over when I was asleep.  

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