Day 2

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So right now I'm on the bus, to go to school. I'm listening to music. Dark Lord Funk. (A Harry Potter parody). It's about to end so. It just did. Now I'm listening to my playlist Two Lived. It only has two songs. Two heads and I Lived. Anyway, so I'm not going to write about me being forgotten right now because if I do I might break into tears. And I don't want to break into tears on the bus. So I'm just going to write what is going on today. So I'm going to school first off. Then I have a geography test today. After school I have dance. So I might not write after. I will try. Till then I will see ya. Hey!! Today was the worst. So first break was fine but second, was horrible. First off this guys were making one of my friends cry, by calling her a drama queen. Then she told me she might take a break from me, cause the guys hang around me. (She doesn't like that guys). Then one of my other friends pulled me to the side.
Friend: What do u want to do?
Me: what do u mean?
Friend: I think u should break up with ur bed for ur friend.
Me: I don't know. I really like him. U know.
Friend: want me to break u two up?
Me: No. Just give me sometime to think.
Friend: Okay.
I hate life. I wish I can go up to life and slap it. And say, u better smart up or just screw me and end this. I HATE U LIFE. I have sooooo many questions. Why does life need love? Why does life needs friends, that u think they are but might not? Why can't life just be something simple? Why can't I think? That's the one that haunts me the most. Why can't I do anything right? I'm like this monster. If I touch something I kill it or make it worse. Why is life so complicated.

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