Day 5

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Sorry I haven't been writing for a while. There's a lot of stuff has happened. This isn't me. I've been tick off. Ben keeps ticking me off. Where's the happy me. Not the ticked off me. Okay. So I just had dance and one of my friends (I think she is my friend) yell (talking normally but was a bit yelling) abuse, because I stepped on her foot. (By accident). Then I told her the she abuse me cause she sits on me and digs her nails in my skin. Then she slapped me (in the arm). I'm so frustrated and sad. I'm not depressed. (I think). I'm just not the same person. I'm not that shy, happy, little book worm anymore. Instead I'm this ticked off, frustrated, sad, little girl. Do you know the song Human. Yay that's how I feel. (If you don't know the song Human then search it up on YouTube). I'm not me. I want the old me. The old me. Not this me, the old me. See ya guys/gals later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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