Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
It was the summer of eighth grade year, June I think, Brookes and I were skipping rocks at the creek, we heard sirens and police cars every once in awhile but not like this. We rushed to the top of the road and say three police cars and two ambulances headed towards our street, of course we looked at each other and ran after them. I could hear Brookes saying under his breath "Please no, not today." We got to where they were going and to none of our surprise, they were at his house. We saw in a stretcher his mom, we got in the ambulance with them and headed to the hospital. I remember she looked cold, her skin was white like flour. Brookes was just torn between being mad and crying, he cried and hit his fist on the gurney yelling "Why mom?! Why today?" I thought about on the way there what he meant, the warm day? The fact we were hanging out? When we arrived at the hospital they told Brookes the worse news ever, "Brookes Stevens?" a nurse called we both got up and went over to the nurse. "Right this way the doctor wants to talk to you." We nodded and followed. When we got to the room which was up a elevator and a short flight of stairs, the doctor was waiting outside the room, he bent down to Brookes's level, he was short back then, "Hey my name is Dr.Whereas." The doctor said, I could tell in his voice that something was wrong, "Your mom has a sickness called Ductal carcinoma which is cancer in her breasts." He paused "She doesn't have that much longer we caught it too late, we can do treatment but we can see what your mom wants when she wakes up." "Doctor?" Brookes asked, "Yes son?" He replied, "Is she going to die?" He said on the verge of tears. The doctor gave him a hug then let go, "She will need to be taken care of, but she still has a few years." He said, "Can you do that, take care of your mother?" Brookes nodded. Unfortunately his mom declined treatment and left the hospital a couple days later, Brookes that summer I barely saw because he was taking care of his mom. She got worse over the years and Brookes had to do everything, the cooking,cleaning, outside jobs, and feeding his mom by spoon every night for 3 years, lately she has gotten worse. Brookes's blood pressure has been high the only way he gets through it is with good friends and alcohol, but I guess he just can't anymore.

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