Chapter Four

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Michael's P.O.V.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I fell out of my bed. There was a blinding pain in my ass as my naked body hit the bedroom floor. Seconds later, Ashton was standing in the doorway.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying to ignore the fact that I was naked.

"I'm fine. I just fell out of bed and my ass hurts. And so does my head. I'm just a fucking mess," I told him. "Why the fuck are you in my house?" I asked a little harshly.

"Um, Luke had me over last night and I stayed over. Speaking of, do you have any idea where he is. He was gone when I woke up."

"He has a tendency to do that. Something about post sex awkwardness or some bullshit like that. He's a strange child. Don't take it personally though. He just has a lot of weird little Luke-isms as I call them."

"Post sex awkwardness?"

"Yeah. He feels like unless two people are in a committed relationship waking up together after having sex is awkward. He could be head over heels for you, but if you aren't official he will leave, even if it's his house. Don't question it, just accept it," I explained to the confused honey blonde.

"Is that why he's at Starbucks right after we open some mornings?"

"Sometimes, yeah. He also wakes up really early sometimes and he claims you look your cutest in the morning. Now that I think of it, it's really odd that he left you."


"Yes really. He seems to like you. But then again, he's confusing as fuck."

"So I've noticed," Ashton laughed. "Are you going to put on clothes or are you going to continue to sit in the floor completely naked?"

"I don't know, man. I feel so free," I joked with him. I opened the drawer of my bedside table and pulled out a pair of boxers. I stood up, turning my back to Ashton, so I could put them on.

"I can feel you staring at my ass," I told Ashton as I pulled the boxers up my legs.

"I- sorry. You have a nice ass. It cute and plump and reminds me a little of Luke. I'm going to shut up now," Ashton said awkwardly.

"My ass reminds you of Luke's?" I asked with s laugh. "Should I be insulted? That child's ass is one of the flattest things I've ever seen."

"His ass is not flat!" Ashton defended.

"You are blinded by love. Or like. I don't think you two are in love. Yet."

"How can we fall in love if he leaves before I wake up."

"Someone's a little salty."

"He left after sex. I feel like I have the right to be."

"You do. I'm just fucking with you. Do you want coffee or something?"

"That sounds wonderful."

"To the kitchen we go," I said, leading the honey blonde to the kitchen.

It didn't take too long to make our coffee. Once it was done we both sat in the living room. We sat in silence for a while, until Ashton broke it.

"So how long have you and Luke been friends?" He asked.

"Pretty much since high school. He moved to town about a quarter of the way into freshman year. He was always super effeminate, even before he started wearing skirts and makeup. Well, he always wore makeup, but at first it was just foundation and mascara. Anyway, he would always get picked on but the assholes of the school. Luckily for him, they all found me a little intimidating. I dyed my hair a lot back then and I lived in all black, so I was basically the badass of the freshman class. I hated bullies because I knew how much it hurt. I stood up for him. I told the dickheads to back off or they would have to face my wrath. Ever since then we have been best friends. I helped him become so much more confident with who he is. Half the reason he is comfortable dressing how he does is because I would always be there to defend him if someone harassed him for it. I was always there for him."

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