Potato slang poem

405 9 4

Heyo! Imma walkin' and talkin' potato
If ya don' know meh, imma supah kewl guy
If u do, ya kno I'm supah popular
I like 2 annoy ppl w/ meh singin' and dancin'
I got a degree in bein' annoyin' --and twentE awards for annoyance
I like 2 run away from meh human hosts
They always wanna eat meh, so I run

I disguise mehself as somethin' ordinary
Like a potato --nevah heard o' those b4, hm?
When humans tryna put meh in their mouths
I like 2 smack 'em in da face w/ meh littl' arms
But I'd prefer 2 RUN!!
I can kick u like a pro if I wanted 2

I wish I could stay an' chat w/ u
But imma on a run from a human
Have u seem 'em?
Oh no......
it's- it's U !!!


Follow me on insta: dude_ potatoz

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