Today Poem/This is the E<N>D

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Play the song when you get to the part where Niyyah and Princeton is talkin all the way to the end of the story,*it sets the mood just right* >>>>>>>>>

Today's the day I finally take him out.3The day he breahs his last breath

The day he dosent know that death shall await his presence

The day I become his killer

His last day to encounter Earth,smell the sweet scent of life,and to taste society with the tip of his tounge

Because today is the day I rise with blood in my eyes

    -Aminah Blue

*No stealing wrote that myself*

As it got dark i moved my way through the crowed and to a vaccant alley where I know Jacob usually walks to get home faster.As I saw him coming my stomach began to turn and I started to shake.

Aminah: Stop right there

Jacob: *turning around slowly* who are you

Aminah: Dont worry about just stop moving or Ill kill you were you stand

He began to stare at me the stare he had when we were chilling a few weeks back

Jacob: Niyyah

Aminah: *not saying anything* n-n-no

Jacob: I know its you I can see the ring

I looked down and realized I had my engagement ring around me neck,I slowly take my hood off with tears rolling down my face.

Niyyah/Aminah: I guess you finally know now

Jacob: arent you Aminah

Niyyah: yup see I lost alot of weight do to stress of loosing R-Roc *my throat  got dry just saying his name* and i cut my hair so no one would recognize me

Jacob: so I guess you know about how I feel

Niyyah: yes and I wish you would've told all of us how you felt,God I hated you Jacob for everytime I woke up and realized that Roc was gone and you were somewhere living your life ot caring,and when you didnt even show yourself at the funeral I wanted you dead now.

Jacob: Niyyah I'm so sorry I never wanted anybody to get hurt I dont know what I was thinking

????: Now that your sad stories over it  I guess i can do my job now

Before Jacob could turn around A bullet came straight for him making sure not to miss

The person walked out of the shadows and my body became weak as I saw no love and only hate in Prods eyes and soon after with the last breath I took a bullet came piercing through my chest

Niyyah: Prod?

Prod standing still hands shaking and positive his palms were sweaty.As my now becoming cold body fell next to Jacob's I could the smell of my own blood slowly seeping through my clothes.There I knew it was the end.Now I would finally be at rest and back with my baby again.

*Prod's mind*

I'm sorry Niyyah but Jacob deserved no mercy I did what you couldnt thats why I followed you here to New York its a shame you had to get crossed in all this mess but I cant leave any witnesses behind.

R.I.P(A Mindless Behavior/Roc Royal love story Sequel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum