Chapter 54

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The Twilight streaked through Earth's atmosphere. The bridge's main view screen showed the terrain below them flying by. They were over a forest now, interspersed with small lakes. John stood next to Anna, his eyes glued to the screen. Anna recalled her first trip to Earth. She'd just made Lieutenant and been transferred to the Imperial Intelligence division of the Navy. Her orders were to report to Imperial Intelligence headquarters here on Earth. She remembered the rush of mixed emotions at seeing humanity's home world for the first time. Anna imagined her brother was experiencing much the same right now.

The forest began to clear, replaced by large open grassland. Up ahead, they could make out the enormous spires of the Imperial Capital. The Twilight banked left, heading for the outskirts of the city. Soon a military compound came into view.

"Here we go," said Aziz.

"Everyone prepare for landing."

The ship slowed, hovering over an open area in between the buildings. Off to one side they could see a large bessra cargo transport. It stood next to a partially demolished building, it was obvious the ship had smashed into it. The Twilight lowered its landing gear and with a clang, the ship touched down.

Everyone aboard made their way to the rear cargo hatch, Major Clark in the lead. She keyed in the door release and they filed out. A man in an Admiral's uniform stood waiting for them. Clark and rest of the Twilight's crew stood to attention and saluted.

"Never mind the formalities," said Constantine, returning the salute.

"If you'll all follow me please, time is of the essence."

"Where are my people?" Saskill demanded.

"In one of the barracks here," Constantine replied, leading them through the maze of buildings.

"Don't worry," he added.

"I'll take you to them before Clark and I leave for the Senate building."

"The Senate building?" Asked Major Clark.

"Yes, I've called an emergency session and the Senate will want to debrief both of us," explained Constantine.

"What about, our guest here?" Clark asked, looking at the young woman.

Constantine stopped and turned to face them.

"I apologize," he said.

"But we need to deal with this situation first."

The young woman nodded. "I understand."

"Once the Senate has dealt with this, I can arrange for an audience and you can commence negotiations," Constantine assured her.

Admiral Constantine led them further through the compound. They had only been walking for about a minute, when they approached a large military barracks. A small Imperial shuttle stood parked next to the building, three Imperial security agents were guarding it. Constantine turned to face them once more.

"Major Clark and I need to leave immediately. The rest of you will need to remain here, at least for another day or two. Get some rest and take it easy for a while, you've earned it."

He and Clark made for the shuttle, while the rest of them headed for the Barracks. The main entrance led directly into the mess hall. Half a dozen shengyet sat around one of the tables at the far end of the room. They looked up as the newcomers entered.

"Chief, Anna, John!" One of them exclaimed.

Anna recognized him, it was Darmst.

The next second all the shengyet in the mess hall had gotten to their feet and were surging towards them. The doors to the sleeping and common areas flew open and the rest of the Clan came pouring in. The rest of the Twilight's crew hung back while Anna, Saskill and John waded into the sea of shengyet. After about a minute, the throng parted and Anna spotted two Imperial officers standing further back. A man and a young woman, with a young shengyet girl she didn't recognize standing next to the woman.

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