Chapter 7

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Zayns POV.

I don't have a clue what we all witnessed but it was a little scary. RoseMarie can throw a punch. She had this anger look in her eye that I have never seen before. She then walked up to Cassie's lifeless body and spit on her and walked out. We tried calling her name but not once did she turn around.?Fuck.

"Zayn Zayn heellloo?"

"Uh yeah what?"

"What are we going to do about this body laying in our foyer?"

Of course leave it to Liam to be the responsible one. I'm just worried about RoseMarie. I have never seen so much anger in her. I remember she use to be so kind and gentle. Now I just watched her beat the living shit out of her crazy mother. Holy fuck.

Where are you RoseMarie?

RoseMarie POV.

I didn't have a clue where I was going but the wind feels great running through my midnight black hair. I was walking and i heard loud chants. Hmm.. couldn't hurt me none if I went to go take a look? curiosity hurt no one besides the cat.

I stood there for a bit and debated my options. Hmmm..... Keep walking and don't get into trouble OR go in and show people that this girl can kick ass. I like the second option better. When Zayn left for X factor and my mom started beating me and the bullying got worse I learned how to street fight/box. Now I'm known in Bradford as the "Bradford Bad Girl". Hahaha. Very funny just because I stuck up for myself, started doing graffiti, smoking, doing drugs, and street fighting doesn't make me bad. I just changed my image. That's all.

"Hey you!"

"Who me?" I say with a smirk placed upon my lips.

"Yeah you what are you doing in here?"

"Oh just seeing how the competition is. That's all."

"Oh you come in here thinking you're better than everyone. Get up here show me what you got."

"Okay it's going to be your fault when you're on the ground."

"Oh a smartass now?"

"Yep." I say popping the "p".

"Hey Tedd get up here."

I see a fit, blue eyed brunette, that looks around my age. He climbs into the ring with a smirk placed upon his perfect pink lips.

"Really Tod, a girl?"

"Yep. She says she can fight."

"Okay not my fault when you break a nail."

I just snort and roll my eyes as I go into my corner and I take off my plain white tee so that I'm in my sports bra. I loosen up my bones wiggle my ratty converse around and I crack my knuckles. I make my way back to the center where the extremely attractive guy awaits getting his ass beat.

"Ready pretty boy?"

"Sure doll face."

"Okay shake hands" says Tod.

We shake hands.

"Begin" he says.

We go in a circle for a bit. I'm waiting for him to make the first move because I never make the first move so I can see how fast he is to strike. I have a smirk placed upon my lips while he's lips are in a smirk as well.

"Ladies first" he's voice comes out deep and raspy. Hot. Okay focus RoseMarie.

"Oh really now, then you must go first." I shot back.

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