Chapter 24

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I don't think I was clear on the last chapters ending. Rosie "father" Jeff would abuse her and in public he would "love" her with all his heart or when guests were over  which wasn't very often. Rosie began to love Jeff abusing her because it was the only real true love she got from Jeff. Hope I got that cleared up. Here's chapter 24. Enjoy!

RoseMaries POV

Throughout the quiet room, all you could hear were my sniffles and Zayns soothing words that long ago lost affect on me. My sniffles soon stop. Zayn is swaying foot to foot with his chin rested on top of my head.

  "You okay Rosie?" He asks.

  My hands are huddled close to my chest; Zayns arms are wrapped around me in a protective way.

"Yeah." I say cringing at how hoarse my voice sounds.

"Do you want some water, love?" Zayn asks probably taking notice at my hoarse voice.

I just shake my head into his chest. Zayn unwraps his arms from around me and take off towards the kitchen. My eyes are trained on my bare feet, not really wanting to talk to anybody about what just happened.

"Here you go.." Zayn says as he hands me a glass half full of water.

My eyes go from my bare feet to the glass in Zayns hand. I nod my head as saying thanks. I take the glass, the water goes down my dry throat in a soothing matter. The water is soon gone, I hand the glass back to Zayn. He heads to the kitchen, I hear the glass clink in the sink and Zayns footsteps come back. My eyes are trained on the wooden floor as if the the little swirls are the most fascinating thing in the world.

"So...What do you want to do,Rosie?" Liam asks.

I sigh, not knowing what I want to do now. I mean just cried for like ever.

I turn towards where Liam's voice called out. My pointer finger taps my chin as I think of what to do.

"Hmmm....." I say as my finger is repeatedly tapping my chin.

"Hmmm..What?" Louis says.

"How about.... We go out?" I say as if its a question.

"Go out?" Nialls asks like its the most frightening thing ever..

"Yes. Go out. Its nice isn't it?" I ask.

"Yea! Its beautiful out." Eleanor says.

I jump back a little in surprise.

"Oh hey Eleanor..and Perrie.... and Danielle didn't see you ladies there."

"Its okay hun." Danielle says.

"We got you the most beautiful dress!" Eleanor says with excitement in her already cheery accent.

"You'll love it!" Perrie says clapping her hands together.

Eleanor pulls a dress out of a bag that read Wet Seal.(now there probably isn't a store named Wet Seal in London but for the sake of the story pretend there is.) The dress is a high low dress, (meaning the front is short and the back is longer) spaghetti straps, the top of the dress is black and fades in a tribal print of black and white.  All in all the dress is absolutely gorgeous. I excitedly shuffle over to where Eleanor is holding my new dress, I take it out of her hands.

"I'm just going to go get ready in the fantastic dress you girls bought me!" I let out a squeal, I turn around and I begin making my way up to the guest room that has became my room. I shut the door behind me, my eyes scan my room looking for the things I bought that one time i went to the mall, that lead to the best night I've ever had. My orbs land on the bags in the corner, I skip over to the bags, I pick them up and plop them on my bed. I dump out everything in the 6 bags. Everything scatters onto the bed. My hands shuffle through the new junk. As my hands shuffle over some things my hands land on some lavender  flats. I pick the pair of flats up and toss them to the floor. I continue to shuffle through some of the things I will probably never wear or use. My eyes land on a light  lavender cardigan that must have been flung onto the floor through my shuffle rage. I bend over to pick up the soft fabric. A smile forms on my face. My feet make their way to the full length mirror that is placed on the back on the door I entered in. I twirl a piece of my waist length hair, letting a sigh escape my lips.

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