What would I do without you???

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Chapter 1
The sun rosed out of its clouds and started to rumble. As Rose started to come closer and closer to me. I said to Rose "What would I do without you" as Rose said back to me "I love you". Rose wished that she had a Sleepover with Anna tonight. Anna and Rose had a sleepover and then Rose came closer and closer to Anna each time and then they went under the blankets and went to sleep. The next morning when Anna went home I was thinking about Rose that what if Rose found out If I loved her.Every single night I would always have a dream about Anna. As I say to myself what If Anna died because of a car crash.

Chapter 2
The day that I was terrified
As long I could remember that my heart was thumbing up and down very fast THUMP THUMP THUMP!!!! I started to get worried as I screamed ahhhhhhh!!!!!! That day at school I was terrified what If I would ran away from Anna and run straight home during school time. The next day at school I ran away from Anna and ran home, my Mum asked "why are you home early from school". I said to my Mum "don't worry" and packed my bags and left the house and started to burst into tears.

Chapter 3
The nightmare that happened
I had this horrible nightmare. What If Rose died and what If I killed myself because of Rose, oh my goodness sake!!! as I cry myself asleep every night, Anna hopes that she will be friends with Rose forever. Anna just walked and walked and walked....

Chapter 4
The house next to mine
It was a day, that I moved houses next to Anna and I thought what would happen next, and I thought and thought till I got it to my head. I said to myself oh my god I think this will end badly, as I started to get worried and started to get teary in my eyes.

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