Daniel and the boy in that tree

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Chapter 10
I was walking to get firewood and then I saw this mysterious figure in a great big gum  tree I suddenly dropped the firewood without thinking and started to slowly walk over to the mysterious figure in the tree suddenly the figure started to climb out of the tree and with THUD the figure landed on two feet. It started to walk over in my direction and soon I realised that the figure was a boy not just a adorable boy. He had bright brown eyes with long slim legs and black-ish shiny hair. The boy asked "What's your name?" I replied "Daniel What's your name?" My name is Jack."Do you want to come and hang out with me?"sure Jack." The next day I woke up early and to find Jack sitting on a stool a couple metres away from my tent."Hi Daniel, I was waiting for you to wake up"Oh sorry I had a late night last night"That's alright my little bear."WTF he called me his little bear it does sound cute though."What are we doing today Jack?"Follow me"Jack replied with a smirk on his face.I started to follow Jack we were heading towards a pond with little ducks and swans swimming in the lake near the pond.I was surprised because at that moment it started to snow."Daniel can I tell you something?"sure Jack"ever  since I saw you I thought you were the one for me with your cute little hands to your beautiful eyes,Daniel I love you."Jack I feel the same way I love you too."Then they started to kiss in the falling snow.

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