Chapter I

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Hope u will enjoy the story!


I was scouted by an agency.

I was just a normal girl before it happen.

I was scouted alright and that's when my whole life  changed.




Someone called my name I turned to see who was calling me it was mother.


"There's someone here to meet you"


"I don't know should I let him in?"


Who can it be?  I don't remember I have Something to do today or that I have to meet someone.

"Good afternoon Ms. Hinamori"

He.greeted me with a smile

"Hi! Good afternoon. What do you need from me umm..Sir?"

" Yagami Kaito nice to meet you."

He smiled gently at me.

"May I discuss with you for something?"

I just nodded.

"Can we discuss this in my room?"

He smiled.

Is he always like this I mean smiling.

Its not like it not bad to smile it kinda creepy because he is always smiling.

"Follow me upstairs hey mom can you bring something to eat or drink at my room?"


She smiled then went to the kitchen.

We we're already upstairs when there was a commotion again in the room beside me.

"Nice one Ami! *Flash* Go! Go! *Flash* So cuuttee"


Dad.........well atleast its lively in my house

I heard someone chuckle

"Are they always like that?"

It was just Yagami-Kun.

"Heheheheh weell Yes and to be precise it's always like that everyday. They're quite lively and sometimes annoying but I still love them."

He just laughed silently

"I wish my house was like that."

He whispered.

»»Time skip««

We talked for a while now and laughed.

"Oh by the way I almost forgot."


"The reason why I was here. You see im from a angency in Tokyo I stayed here for about a week now and tom. Im going back"

"So what's this business?"

He chuckled a little.

"Before that.."

He pointed at my door.

"Can you let them in?"

The first one to enter was my dad and.......

I guess u can guess whats happening......

"Amu why didn't you tell me you already have a boyfriend!!!!!! *Snifff* now its only Ami thats left for me!!! *Snifff*"

"Dad! He is NOT my boyfriend!!!!,, okay?!"

He just nod.

"Hahahahaha okay  like I told you earlier im from an agency and I would like to recruit you Ms. Amu Hinamori


End of FlashBack

And thats why I'm here now one of the well known idols in Tokyo.

Yagami Kaito became my manager.

I also learned that he's only a year older than me he worked for the agency for a very young age bec. His great grandfather was tge owner of the agency.

As an idol I'm known as Lady A.

And here I am waiting to go up the stage for my second live concert.



I fun so here's the result of my boredom.

Hope you enjoy reading this fanifiction


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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