Lexa and Clarke Chapter 9

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Clarke's pov

I look behind Lex and see Nia coming but I think nothing of it before I hear her voice. "So looks like Lex found another girl toy to mess with." Lex immediately turns on Nia and basically growls out "Clarke is not an object" Nia looks shocked for a second but that disappears almost in an instant. "Wow. That's a surprise considering there was Ontari...." Nia says with a slight smirk. Lex instantly freezes at the name Nia mentions. I frown and step forward to grab Lexa’s hand gently and I say "I suggest you back off now Nia. Nothing you say will make me mad at Lexa again." Nia smirks and says " Not even if I told you Lex is cheating on you with Ontari..." I freeze as I feel anger corse through me but I hide that and glare back at Nia. "Not even that Nia." I respond. Nia looks surprised then just shakes her head in disappointment and walks off. I look over at Lex and murmur "Your welcome" Then start to walk away. "Clarke wait! Are you going to listen to me this time?!" Lexa yells after me. I turn around and walk back over to Lexa "Tell me then. Why have you been cheating on me this entire time. Was that story about Costia even true?! Cause right now I feel very very betrayed!" I scream at her. She flinches away "Clarke no....I didn't tell you a lie. I would never tell you a lie. That was true. What Nia said wasn't true. I did date Ontari for some time but then I broke up with her because she seemed crazy for me and I was so right. She told her mom....Guess who that is........Nia. Now her mother is devoted to keeping me single so I feel so desperate that I want to get back together with her daughter. I know that's messed up......but it's the truth behind what she was saying." I'm silent for a bit before I pull her into a gentle kiss and look her in the eyes and say "It does sound crazy but that's what my life has been like when I'm around you. To be honest I feel like your lieing but I'm going to trust you on this." She smiles wide and throws her arms around me and lifts me in the air. I giggle at her happiness. "Cute..." I murmur. She then looks serious and sets me down. She looks out at her lacrosse team fighting to keep themselves in the game. I look at her and smile "Go Lex. Save Raven and Octavia from disaster." She laughs "They always need me to save them." I smile and kiss her cheek then watch her run onto the field. "Clarke!" I turn to the side and see Raven running over. I smile "Hey Reyes!" She stops in her tracks "I told you no calling me by my last name" I laugh "Of course......Reyes!" She smiles widely and starts sprinting at me. I squeal as she tackles me. "Reyes! Stop tackling me! I'm not a tackling dummy!" She starts laughing then starts tickling me. "Hey! Stop!" I start laughing like crazy. "Your knight can't save you." She laughs. "Lex! Help!" I scream making sure it sounds amused. Raven laughs and gets off finally. I smack her shoulder. "How many times have I said no tackling me or tickling me?" I question in amusement. Raven smiles "Never..." I look at her with a small laugh "That's a lie and you know it." Raven smiles "Well Octavia said to hurry so she can come tackle you before half time" I smile "She better not." Raven glances over at Octavia on the field and Octavia waves for Raven to come and Raven giggles "To late." She runs off before I can say anything

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