LuffyXDepressedReader-Angel trapped in hell

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Warning contains self harm and depressing content.

Readers pov

I cry in pain, why do I lose everyone I care for, I shouldn't get attached because everyone I get attached to dies, it's all my fault, why am I not dead?

Right, Luffy 'loves' me, I think it's fake, he's just waiting for the chance to get rid of me, the sad thing, I love him.

So much it literally hurts, I hurt myself on purpose, everyone on the ship just thinks I'm clumsy, but I mean how many times can you accidentally fall from the crows nest, they are so oblivious to the fact inside I'm dying.

Why don't they see behind it all, behind the fake smile the fake laugh the fake way of living, the way of living that I'm sick of.

Luffys pov

I know why she doesn't eat with us, I know I seem oblivious to it all but I know, I just act happy to try make her happy, I hope it's working, I love her so much.

I walk up to her room with a smile, "Heeeeeey, (Y/N)!" I say, I open the door and freeze, it's like a murder scene, except it's just her and no one else, Sanji's kitchen knife in her hands and her back to me.

It's all my fault, I know, I KNOW, I did nothing, and now she's hurting.

I rush over to her side and snatch the knife away chucking across the room not caring where it lands as long as it's away from her.

I wordlessly run out before running back in a matter of seconds with a first aid kit.

I treat her wounds knowing she doesn't want anyone else to know, as I do so a few tears drop.

When I'm done I let them fall, all the tears, "Idiot," I mutter, "YOU IDIOT!" I say louder shaking uncontrollably.

She just looks at her feet with shame, "I love you, I freaking love you, why would you do this, i-is, is it because you don't love me back?" I ask looking into her eyes, they are full of pain, she shakes her head.

"I love you Luffy, but I know you don't love me, I'm just waiting for you to turn your back on me, actually do it know, save me extra pain, do it now while I'm broken that way I'll be gone forever." She cries her eyes closed with tears as more roll down her pale cheeks.

I look at her tears pouring down my face, "I'm meant to be tough, but I love you, do you know that this is hurting me? I act childish in hope that you will be happy!" I explain in frustration.

Her eyes widen and close as she lets out a shaky breath, before she breaks down, "H-help, m-me, I don't w-want to do t-this anymore, please p-please make the p-pain go away."

Now the only thing in my mind is the girl in front of me, I need to save her, I need to drag my angel back from hell.

One Piece One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora