When will this End

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" God damn get this fucking bitch off me!!" Trey yelled still trying to get help. I was not letting go of him. I was going to fuck his ass up. I don't give to fucks in I'm still drug up.

I was going to get my rounds. Matter  of fact , not even rounds ! I'm going to get my kill his ass! Nobody is going to hit my baby! I'm so tired of running I need to end this nigga! Like how he trying to end mine!

I felt a hand grip my hair. I know it was not Trey cause I too busy whipping his ass ; plus his hands was waving all over the place.

"Get off my fucking man bitch!" June yelled pulling on my hair more. She more dumber then I thought.

"Bitch you so fucking dumb omg! Let go of me you just going to let him do what he doing!" I screamed still holding on to Trey like a damn orangutan baby! I was not letting go for nothing!

" No you're the dumb one ! You think Shawn better then Trey!? Shawn kills people for fun! He try to kill my newborn! Trey is a good baby father & I lov . . ." June soon got cut off cause Shayla done knock her dumb ass out.

"Shut up you dumb bitch" Shayla said spitting on June while she lay on the floor with a bloody nose K.O

"See this why you my one and only sis!" I yelled out going back to beating Trey ass.

"Damn listen to me Jas this ain't what you want! I know you really love me. Shawn brainwash you baby! You remember all the good times we had"

"No sorry ! I don't recall no fun or happy times with you Trey! " I said grabbing a fork that was on the table and stabbing Trey in the eye with it. Yes I know what y'all thinking . . . I'm going only for his eyes cause that shit going to hurt him the most. He love seeing people in pain!

"Ahhhh fuck ! " Trey screamed trying to make the folk from out his eye. I got off him quick and grabbing Jasmine. " Shayla lets go !" I said running for the door.

"Where do you think your going Jas! You are not going to mess this up for us !" Trey said running behind us.

" Go Jas go hurry! Damn what this nigga use to be? A track star ? Fuck" Shayla said be hide trying to keep up.

Jasmine was tell drug up. My poor baby was just crying the whole time. Trying to see what was going on.

We running around this old ass house. I didn't know where to turn out! It was so creepy. I mean where is Shawn ?!

"Come back here now!!!" Trey yelled again

"No bitch fuck up ! " I said running up the stairs quick.

" I swear to god this the last time ! I'm doing this ! All this running and killing for the birds!"

"What are you talking ! Shawn did all the work now u need to do the same! This is your fight Jas" Shayla said grabbing Jasmine away for me.

" I'll take care of Jasmine. You'll handle your business." Shayla said looking at me then hugging me tight . " Just hurry up and kill this nigga so You ,Shawn , Jasmine , Shayla & I can go on with our life. It time to relax you know? " Shayla said laughing & so did . I love my sis 😍

" you right . You guys just hurry up and hide. I'll handle him." I said hugging her one more last time and kissing Jasmine on the forehead before watching then run somewhere to hide at

" Here's Trey!" Trey said finally getting to where we was. Track star my ass! He so slow.

"Stfu!" I said jumping on him while he was running the upstairs. We roll down the stairs .

" So fucking tired of you ! I hate you" I said while I was on top of him punching him in his face. All the shot you did to me. " I can't wait to kill you!"

He didn't no nothing just laugh at me. "Now you know that will never happen" he said grabbing my suck with both of his hands.

I stared at him. " you can't kill something that already dead" I said reaching for my taser that I had in my back pocket and put it right on his neck.

His screams made me happy now. "Yeah you like that motherfucker ! That for Jasmine " I said trying to keep on top of him while he shake all over the place. Foam was coming out of his mouth.  Finally I was going to dead this nigga! I moved fast and put the taser in his mouth now. His eyes rolled back now. I can smell his ass cooking now.

I felt a something dead me in my face. Making me fall off him now. "Didn't I tell your ass to get off him!" June said lifting his head up off the floor. Trying to wake him up!

"What is your fucking problem bitch! Why you so press over his evil ass. I swear to god once I'm done with him! I'm going to kill you too! So both of you y'all can have fun in hell" I said getting up and walking towards her.

"Stop right there Jas! If you move one more time I swear to god , I'll kill you" she said crying now. Pointing a gun at me. I stop quick.

"You ain't going to do shit. Just put it down June!" I said staring to walk towards her again.

Pow !

I stop quick and look down at my feet. There was a hole in the floor. I look up quick at her. She really going to shoot her own sister.

" I mean it Jas! I won't miss the next time! " she said looking back down at Trey. "Baby it's going to be ok. I'll handle all this. We going to finally going to live together. Like you told me , I just have to kill Shawn." She said kissing him on the lips. I think I'm going to throw up

"He is dead June. I killed him. Just put down the gun man." I said rolling my eyes. At this point I dont even care no more.

"Don't you fucking say that bitch! Cause if he is dead then I'll kill that lol slut of a daughter of yours.

"You should really be the last one to call someone a slut. Plus watch your fucking mouth!"

"Make me bitch. Oh yeah you can't. You have no gun !"

"Yeah I have a foot that Ima put right up to ass! You dirty lil bitch!"

"Well maybe I can wash my self off with your boyfriend blood after I kill him!"

"You sick bitch" I said spitting at her ass now.

Shayla P.OV

" I want my moma" Jasmine cryed quietly , holding on me tight while I hold her in the closet.

Uhh see I can't deal with this! I should be out there helping Jas!

I soon started to hear footsteps coming towards the closest. It must be Jas cause it can't be Trey. He would of been talking like he always do. It never shut up I swear.

The closest door open fast. I look up slowly. It was not Jas or Trey. I finally found you. "lil bitch" Katie said standing by the door all bloody point the gun at me.


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