Jin's Life Withouy Sky

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Jin's POV

After the weird guy left I went to take care of some business. On my way I started to think about what the guy said.

"Do you ever consider having a friend named Sky? You know before your whole endeavor thing?"

"Haha. Oh don't be silly. I don't have any friends named Sky, and if I did, I'd probably be disappointed."

I shouldn't have said that... As I walked to my next meeting I began to think of what it would have been like if I had a friend named Sky.

He would probably be carefree and an idiot that I have to take care of or else he would kill himself. Now that I think of it... The guy from earlier did say his name was Sky. I'm sure I have never met anyone by the name of Sky though... Yet he seem to know me like we were best friends? I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.

After the meeting was done, I had a whole afternoon to myself. This was definitely rare for the CEO of Microbop. I decided to go to the store and buy some food. When I entered the store, I saw a guy in a purple dinosaur outfit selling the oh so famous goat milk. He must be Barney. He was talking to the guy that came up to me earlier.

'His name is Sky.' I mentally reminded myself.

Sky seemed to be happy at first, but his smile began to falter the more they talked. I shook my head and bought some cheese and bread. I left the store and returned to headquarters for Microbop Studios.

Now that I think about it, I felt at ease talking to Sky. He was just a normal, careless guy that was around my age. I bet that if he was my friend, I wouldn't have such a lonely life of seriousness. I stood near the exit of HQ and sighed.

"Who am I kidding. I would have loved to have a friends named Sky...." I said looking at my life as it is now.

Thinking back on my life is kind of depressing when I look at how I became the me today.

High school wasn't the best time. If I had to say something, it was probably one of the worst times of my life. Being bullied and made fun of because of my brains. I studied hard and always got an A in all my classes.

After graduation, I went to university. There I learned about computer science, even though I already knew most if the stuff, and improved my hacking skills. I even joined the CSI for a period of time. I quit after I found out I didn't really want to do stuff like that. That's when I made my own little program. Microbop Studios. I soon became CEO of the company and made my way into fame.

Through out my life, I never really had anyone to talk to. I was always lonely and pushed people away. I remember vaguely of a memory from elementary school where my best friend had locked himself in the boys restroom and I was called to get him out. I don't even remember his name... I'm such a bad friend.

I felt my phone vibrate and checked it to see a text from Aphmau. It said something about needing help and sorry for ruining my free day. I frowned and texted back to her that I'll be there shortly. I sighed and took one last look at the sky before going into the elevator and heading to where the problem was.

New story! New ideas! First person is Jin! Next will be...? Sorry for any grammar mistakes. See you next time.

Until then peace out! ฅ'ω'ฅ

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