Coming Home

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Nobody's POV

A little ways away from the city was a hill. There on the hill stood four men all in their early 20s. One of the men was wearing sunglasses and a black suit with an amulet hanging from his neck. Next to him stood a man with a black sweater and pants with a necklace with a golden Z hanging from his neck. He had red hair with brown eyes. Next to that one was a man wearing a red dinosaur costume. He also has red hair and eyes. The final one was crouching down before the three with a camera up to his face taking pictures of the city down below.

"Man... It's been a while since I've been here." said the man with sunglasses.

"That's because you've been traveling the world with us." scoffed the man with red hair and brown eyes.

"Yeah! And now we're going to be staying here until we know what we're going to do since we literally went all over the world!" said the man in the red dinosaur costume.

"I heard there's some major people in this city. We could visit them if you want to..." said the guy taking a picture of the scenery.

"Yeah... I would like to see what kind of people are living and working here after what? 10ish years?" said the first man.

"Yeah. We could rent an apartment or... We could buy a house." said the second man.

"Oh! Let's just buy a house!" said the third man.

"Reason?" asked the fourth man.

"Why? So that when ever we don't know where to go, we can always come back here! Don't you guys like that idea?"

"You know... This might be the first idea you've had that was good." said the second man.


"Well, let's choose a house then!" said the first man.

"Hey guys! I come back with food!" said a man running up to them.

The man had brown hair and eyes with a black longs sleeve with a white M in the middle of a red square. He was wearing simple dark jeans and black shoes. He was wearing jeans and was carrying a pizza box in one hand and a bag of drinks in the other.

"Yeah!" they all cheered.

They set down a red and white checkered blanket on the ground with the box of pizza in the middle. They sat in a circle as they passed out cans of soda.

"A toast to coming back to my home city?" the guy with sunglasses asked.

"Toast!" everyone yelled as they raised their cans of soda in the air.

After they finished eating, they went around and took a look at all the on sale houses. There was on house that was on a hill side that belong to one guy. There was a house not too far away from that one. It was like a mansion yet bigger. They had enough money to buy it, so they bought it. Oh! Forgive me.

This group of friends are called the World Star Travelers. They're a group widely known for doing skit and helping people all around the world. Sky, the man with sunglasses, is supposedly the leader of the group by default. He is the type of leader that is easy going all the time even in serious situations. Max, the "second in command", is a man that's easily provoked. He is the one in charge when Sky is out. (He is absolutely adorable when he's happy) Red, the other red head, is a man in a red dinosaur costume. He likes to act and whine a lot. Cory, the man with the camera, is a man of art. He loves to make video and take pictures of beautiful scenery. Last but not least is Nick, the man with the food. He is a man of his word. He has a strong metabolism and is always eating junk food. All five of them make up their little group.

"This is like a dream house!" yelled Red in excitement.

"I know right?" Nick said in awe.

"Glad you guys like it. This is our house now!" Sky said.

"Yeah yeah. Why are we just standing outside of it? Let's just hurry up inside. I can see a storm coming." Max said.

"Yeah. I have too many precious picture and videos saved up to lose it all to a rain storm." Cory said rushing inside.

"Alright. Let's get in." Sky said following Cory in.

Once they were all inside, they just stood in the middle of the foyer. Sky was looking around the place as if he was already planning to install something to make things easier for him to get around. Nick and Red were talking about what room they wanted. Cory was looking through his camera, and Max was looking at his phone.

"Alright everyone! As they say, the early bird gets the worm. In this case, first there first get!" Sky yelled running up the stairs.

Everyone eventually got their rooms. Sky was able to find the master bedroom, Cory got one with the most outlets and a great view, Nick and Red bunked into the biggest room and Max got the one with the balcony. They all decided to give in for the night and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

Ohhhhh~! Yay! New characters to the plot! Hope you guys liked this chapter! I wonder what I'm going to do for the next one... Find out next time!

Until then peace out! ฅ'ω'ฅ

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