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Max's POV

It's only been a month since we've arrived here in this city. Sky is being his reckless idiotic self as always. Nick and Cory are still trying to hacking into Microbop Studios. Red has been hanging out with Barney and Ross while helping Nick and Cory from time to time. I have been busy keeping everyone in touch. In other words, baby sitting everyone.

"Ughh... Even though everyone here is an adult, they don't act their age at all..." I muttered to myself sitting in our living room.

"Hey Max!" Sky called out walking into the living room with Red, Nick, and Cory following him.

"What is it Sky?"

"You shouldn't be so stiff! It's already been a month since we came here and you're as stiff as usual you know. You should calm down every now and then!" Nick said.

'How am I supposed to do that when three of you are trying to hack into a very large company...'

"I can't. Not just for myself, but for the world's sake." I said pinching my nose.

"Awe come on! We should go somewhere and hang out the whole day then! Like when we were younger!" Red said.

"I agree! We should go the nearby amusement part or arcade!" Sky said.

'Great. More work for me. Hurrah.'

"Look. I'm busy right now with some paper work from Jake. I really don't want to deal with Em either so I need to finish this by tonight. You guys can go ahead and go-"

"Then it's official! We're all going to the ocean side water amusement park! Let's invite the others to come as well!" Red said fist pumping the air.

"Wait! I didn't even agree on goi-"

"Cory! I assume you sent them texts already?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. All we need to do is wait for a reply." he said casually leaning against the wall.

"Alright! Let's get packed up! We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning!" Sky said rushing up the stairs.

"Yeah!" the others said following in suit.

"Wait! I said I didn't agree!" I said a bit too late.


'Seriously... They couldn't act anymore like little kids can they...'

Cory's POV

" check.... Backpack check... Camera check.... Backup supplies.... Check. Okay. I should be ready to go now." I mumbled as I zipped up my suitcase.

I was about to go take a night stroll to take some picture when my phone started to vibrate. I took it out to check who had sent me a text. It was Jess. Unlocking my phone, I went to see what she wrote.

'Hey Cory! It's so nice of you guys to invite us to come with you on your little trip to Fun with Fears water amusement park. Of course we want to tag along! I already asked the boss for a paid leave for Jin, Shelby, and I. I should go get packed now. When are we leaving?'

I quickly replied that we were leaving first thing tomorrow morning. Then I got another text. This was from Ross.

'Thanks for inviting me to come. I called a person to come take care of my chickens for tomorrow. I'll go pack up now. Oh. And Barney said he is also free tomorrow so he's also packing up.'

I sighed as I finished reading it. So everyone is coming now. This is the perfect opportunity for me. While Max is busy taking care or the troublesome people like Sky and Jin is having too much fun, I'll take the chance to hack into the Microbop Studios' system!

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