Chapter 1: The Dimension

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It was white all around, as far as I could see. But there was a man, probably in his early thirties, on his knees. He wore a casual black t-shirt with beige colored sweatpants and dull grey shoes. We could probably get along; our sense of style was similar. Anyway, I had more important things to worry about, like where the hell was I? What is this place?

"Hey, do you know anything?" I asked the man. He didn't reply. Now that I think about it, he hadn't made a single sound yet.

"Touch his head," someone said out of nowhere. It was definitely a man, he had a deep voice but it was a bit raspy, kind of like he had a dry cough or something. It startled me quite a bit, but I managed to keep calm.

"Who's there?" I shouted. I looked around and saw nothing.

"Just touch his damn head!"

"Okay, okay, but tell me who you are at least."

"I AM-

About an Hour Earlier

"MOM!" Wait, wait. Guys, I think we started the wrong flashback. Let's try again.

The REAL about an Hour Earlier

My eyes slowly opened to see a man REALLY close to my face. (Ah, this is the right one.)

"Woah!" I shouted, jumping back into my seat. "That was WAY too close man, like what were you trying?" Realization then dawned on me.

"Oh," I was sleeping on my desk in the final period of the day and the person I just shouted at was my teacher. Damn it, why me?

"Uh, sorry I guess," I said trying to draw all eyes away from me.

"I guess? I GUESS? YOU JUST SHOUTED AT YOUR HISTORY CLASS TEACHER AND THEN SHRUGGED IT OFF?" From the amount of caps lock in the sentence it's apparent that he was now the one shouting. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today."

"Yes," I replied. He still looked annoyed but he was better now.

After school wrapped up I decided to go to the local supermarket. On my way there, I encountered two of my classmates: the short, whiter than normal Indian kid with glasses. In other words, Mubeen. There was also the ridiculously white in complexion, charcoal-black haired girl name Tenshi. (Is this like white looking people band together or something? I mean there's very little diversity.)

They were very close, you could tell just by looking at them but they never talked to anyone for some reason. At least as far as I know. But I tried to say hello anyway. They REPLIED:

"Hi, Hikaru." THEY ACTUALLY REPLIED, MY GOD. Also, yes Hikaru is my name.

"You guys heading to the market too?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are," Mubeen said nervously.

I crossed the road to try and see if I could hang out with them, I mean this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Sadly, me being the idiot I am, I didn't check for any cars or anything else and just walked onto the road. There was a truck driver who didn't seem to be paying attention. He was close to hitting me! I felt a sudden jolt, I was somehow surrounded in blue flames. Time seemed to stop. Then everything turned white.

Back to the Present

"I AM A.T.O.M." The voice boomed.


"A.T.O.M." The voice said again. "Well, I guess you could say I'm its conscience. I'm not the actual power."

"Again, what?" I asked, I was confused, you probably are too.

"For the final time, I am the conscience of A.T.O.M."

"Okay, I got that. But what exactly is this power?"

"It is Acquired Time-Traveling Ocular Matter. Basically you get to summon different items from past timelines. This place is A.T.O.M. dimension."

"Wow, that's a lot to take. How the hell do I even have this ability?" I asked, both scared and curious.

"It's a long story, they can explain." A.T.O.M. sounded annoyed.

"Wait, who's 'they'?"

"Never mind that, just touch his damned head and make him slam the brakes!"

"You know what, I have so many other questions but for now I'll just do what you say," I was confused and tired. I just touched his head. There was a sudden flash and suddenly I was back to my world or dimension, however you want to think about it.

Time then resumed.

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