Chapter 3: The Collapse

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The Captain quickly put me on his right shoulder and started running along with the other two. Captain just narrowly managed to avoid a weird bit of...stairs that fell? I know, tiny chunks of stairs, what the hell is happening?

At that moment I crowned Captain the most beast multi-tasker. He was literally carrying me on one shoulder whilst avoiding debris and somehow managing to call someone on his phone.

"What are you doing?" Mubeen shouted at the captain.

"Well, to put to simply, I'm getting a helicopter."


"Wait a couple minutes, you'll see," the Captain said.

We dodged debris as we headed down the floors and only thing I could see was the blood and the bodies. Families, people, humans. They were all simply...gone, it was the worst feeling I had ever experienced.

'When did something like this stop fazing me?' Tenshi quietly thought to herself.

I didn't even have time to take in what I saw; honestly...I didn't want to. We found ourselves trapped, a big chunks of debris fell all around us, the only way out was the glass and we were still on one of the top floors. Our powers couldn't save us from that. We all heard it, a loud noise breaking through the wind.

"Right on time," the Captain smirked. It seemed as if the other two read his mind because we all jumped out. Yes, we broke through glass and jumped out the largest building I had ever been in. We JUMPED, like it was no big deal. What the actual hell? All these thoughts raced throughout my head until I saw it. It was...and you've probably guessed it by now so this is pointless but it was the helicopter. And if THAT wasn't cliché enough for you let me tell you something okay, we landed PERFECTLY, not a single scratch, scuff or even a mark. Thank the great god of plot armour.

"How did we land so perfectly?" I had to scream the question as it was more than a little windy up there.

"Well, if you managed to use the gun right I was going to t each you about telepathic communication between A.T.O.M. users," the Captain answered casually.

"You left something THAT important for later, are you kidding me? I guess it makes a bit of sense but that sounds like one of the most basic things, you still should have told me." I'm a whiny female dog, aren't I?

"It's actually quite an advanced technique. Also, you couldn't shoot a gun, not even on target, you simply couldn't shoot it. I mean, look at your foot, you did that. And you want to learn telepathy? I'm the one who should be asking you whether you're kidding." It may look like he was shouting, but he was actually quite calm about it.

"Get him a kit," the Captain said, dismissing our earlier conversation.

"Yes sir," Mubeen replied diligently.

Captain had some words with the pilot. I wondered who it was but I decided to ask later. Tenshi quickly bandaged my foot which soothed the pain ever so slightly.

"So where are we going?" Mubeen asked Captain.

"Well, you're the one who knows him the best," The Captain said.

"Oh no," Mubeen face-palmed.

"Who is the Captain talking about?" I asked Tenshi quietly.

"Few people know, even fewer people like him. His name is...Nabeel!" I don't know why she said it so dramatically.

"What?" I was confused.

"Let me explain, Mubeen's family is the family of the Patels. Mubeen has a cousin named Nabeel who is the leader of an organization called the Outlaws. Oh, and he's a famous Youtube prankster." Tenshi told me.

"Well, the prankster part is certainly weird and did they really have to pick that name for their organization; did they intentionally want something cringy or what?" I asked again, but seriously, PRANKS. Just think about that, they fund their cringy organization with money generated from Youtube pranks. What have criminals become? In the old days, they broke down your door and killed you if didn't comply. Fast forward to now, they'll threaten you until they die and they'll get the money for their operations from pranks. Literally.

"One of the worst things is that they're actually quite good at using A.T.O.M. and the Captain actually makes us help out to get a bit of money," Mubeen said very agitated. All of a sudden it clicked in my head. I realized why no one helped me when they were taking me away today and no one helped even after I shouted for it. It WAS JUST A PRANK BRO! OH MY GOD! They used me for views! I bet everyone in that street was paid off. I could even see the title in my head: 'Truck Driver Nearly Crashes Into Friend!!!'

I told them my thoughts.

"I'm surprised you figured it out that easily but yeah, that's exactly what's happening. That's why we finally replied to you this afternoon." Tenshi and Mubeen answered.

I was angry but I contained myself, enough questions for one chapter.

We finally arrived at an abandoned building and saw a short man waiting outside. When we finally got off, I saw him properly. He looked quite ragged, not in an insulting way but his hair definitely made him look odd. He wore blue jeans and a t-shirt that was a bit bigger for him and his clothes were quite wrinkled. And the hair was 100% never combed, I guarantee it. I'm not believing anyone if they say it's combed. He started talking about what happened earlier to the Captain. Suddenly, he looked at me and said:

"Do you know about the Yami Organization?"

"What's that?" I was confused. The author is a weeb, isn't he?

"So you really are very new huh, come inside. I need to show you all something." Nabeel told us all and immediately proceeded into the building.

The words echoed in my head: 'Yami Organization'. Why couldn't they name it something else? Also, ANOTHER organization, the illuminati will be here soon I tell you.

My cringe level: Don't you dare say over 9000.

Hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry about the chapter, it was very lazy and relied on breaking the fourth wall and comedy way too much. I will try to fix that as well as try to make my tone changes more subtle in future chapters. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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