Not quite as planned

448 45 13

Troyes POV

"You can do this, you're just gonna talk to him, what's the worst that can happen??" I mumbled to myself pacing, I looked over to the papers on my desk, the handwriting messily scrawled over each note card. I paused in my tracks, standing by my bed. "Scratch that, don't think of that" I mumbled frustratedly, walking over to my desk. "Let's do this" I sighed, picking the cards up and shoving them on my pocket.

My plan was to ask him to dinner tonight.

I arrived where I asked to meet Connor, the small shop next to the cinema.

I exhaled shakily when I saw him approach where I was, he was sporting a cute pink sweater with black skinny jeans and his hair wavier than ever. "Hi" I squeaked, waving, he waved back "hello" he greeted confidently, pulling me in for a quick hug.

I pulled my notes out, watching him raise an eyebrow, I felt my face heat up, but I ignored it.

"Hey... So, uh.." I started, glancing down at the piece of paper in my hand, I knew it was a bad idea to start with a pick up line, but it seemed like my only option. "On a scale of one to America how free-shit- fuck" I looked up at him, shifting my stance, the notes in my hands slipped from my fingertips landing on the concrete. "Oh god- sorry I-" I tried to compose myself, picking the cards up quickly.

"I swear to god- they won't- you're cute" I mumbled embarrassedly, finally getting the cards together. I skimmed through them quickly, shuffling them as I grew more nervous, blushing as I searched desperately, he stood there, looking as if he were trying to hold back laughter, I blushed furiously at the thought of him laughing at me, I searched faster, almost dropping the cards again. "I don't have a card for this"  I murmured, twiddling my thumbs. "Sorry" I spoke quietly, realising I probably looked like a mess.

"Don't be" I heard his low voice mumble as he bent down slightly, kissing my nose, I blushed as he grabbed my hand. "It's cute"

I blushed further at this, he fixed his hair, smiling at me. "Wanna go see a movie?" He offered, I nodded, accepting. "Let's go!" I smiled, as he tugged me along.

We ended up doing more than just watching the film.



double update tho wooooh

(Smut, coming soon, I swear)

Have a great week xx

//tronnor one shots\\Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя