You're Watching Reaction Time

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You sat and watched him run his fingers through his light brown hair in an attempt to maintain the flawless form that it had kept the whole way through filming his video. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, you watched as his face morphed into a scrunched up look of disgust and then relaxed again, returning to its prior perfect state. You could watch him for hours but knew that he always shied away from your loving gaze; he'd always tell you that you were distracting him but was always defeated when you bit your lip and swept all of your long brown hair to one side, knowing that the gentle waft of your perfume would always render him speechless. You often watched him as his eyes trailed from the screen on his laptop and fall to the heaped mess of your body that was sprawled carelessly on his bedroom floor. He tried to hide himself amidst the screams that were emanating from his laptop on this particular occasion but even then he couldn't stop his eyes from momentarily wandering over to where you sat peacefully, listening to his every word and laughing as he threw his arms up over his eyes in a desperate attempt to shield himself that the animated zombies before him should conjure up that night. "All right guys, I can't watch this anymore. That was 'The Scariest Videos on the Internet' suggested by you guys. Nah dude, I gotta have a mental shower- I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight," He broke off slightly before looking at you, a playful look in his eye. He returned his gaze to the camera that was balanced atop of his tripod. His laptop wasn't quite so steady; hardly balancing on top of a pile of shoe boxes, Tal Fishman had to be mindful of any slight movements that would send this leaning tower of boxes over and his computer with it. "Okay guys. That's it for today's video. Leave me suggestions in the comments of what you want me to react to and I'll see you next time...on Reaction Time.". He left his position on the bed with a salute before wandering out of sight of the camera and reaching around to turn it off.

"That went well, I'd say. You only screamed a maximum of four times.". You teased him as you got up from when you sat on his floor and padded mindlessly over to home. "Shut up, Robyn. You British people have a cruel sense of humour." He smiled before pulling you into his chest. He kept you there as you giggled before placing a small kiss on the top of your head and letting you go. Slumping onto his bed, you pressed replay on the video and began watching. Not as bad as Tal, you flinched only once when an unidentifiable creature popped up abruptly on the screen. He'd come to join you, placing his legs either side of yours, his hands clasped tightly around your waist and his face buried in the gap between your head and your shoulders. His head of brown hair gently tickled your face whenever he peeped up to see what was happening and you couldn't help but laugh. Soon enough, the video was over but Tal couldn't abandon the hold he had on you. Knowing that he wasn't going to relent, you turned your head and rested your forehead upon his cheek before closing your eyes, smiling into the warmth it was offering and placing a kiss there. You returned your head to the screen but felt the body of the man press harder against your back and moved the mess of your hair from one side of your face so as to expose the bare skin of your neck. You knew what was coming but made no attempt to move as he began to leave a trail of wet kisses, leading down to your collarbones. Closing your eyes once more, you said nothing and enjoyed the tickles that his lips sent to your skin.

Just then, you heard the soft click of the bedroom door and your eyes snapped open as Adi, Tal's younger brother, walked in, an aware smile teasing the corners of his mouth. "Am I interrupting something?" He laughed as his older brother sighed and pulled away from you. "Bro. Can you leave? We're busy." He clambered onto the floor and began to push Adi out of the room. "I can see that but mum wants to see you downstairs.". Tal nodded sharply and looked back at you, smiling as he left the room with his brother, the same soft click of the door disturbing the growing sound of silence. You were left to do as you pleased but, with not much to entertain you, you studied the pictures mounted on the wall. A soft beach scene that reminded you of the day you met him but you both decided that you didn't like it because it would never do justice to that day. It was a sort of unpleasant reminder of a day that you could never get back.

Soon after he had left, Tal wandered back into the room with his arms full of snacks for the both of you. Smiling warmly, a habit that began to take over your life since you met him, you gestured him towards his bed and he happily obliged. Setting the food down on the bedside table, Tal took you in his arms and planted a soft kiss on your lips as you couldn't help but stare into his eyes. "Stop," he complained with a dramatic elongation of the simple word "you know I love it when you stare at me". He whimpered slightly then, pretending to be offended that you couldn't help but look at him all of the time. "You shouldn't be so pretty then. You're going to have to get over it, I do it a lot. Oh!!" you exclaimed excitedly, remembering the things you had bought for him. Jumping off of the bed, you ran like an uncontrolled puppy to where you stuff was piled on the floor. Digging frantically amidst the mounds of useless items you stored in there, your fingers tightly clutching the things you were rummaging for, desperate to show him. Rising from your crouched position, you spun around smugly and flaunted the two films. "'22 Jump Street' or 'Get Hard'?". His eyes lit up at the sight of his favourite film. "You actually know me too well." He smiled, exposing his perfectly straight and white teeth. Along with his eyes, his smile was the thing you loved most about him. Wandering back over to the bed, you handed the DVDs to him and he immediately prised open the case of 22 Jump Street. "Maybe we can watch the other one after? If you don't have to go?" He sounded almost as if he was pleading with you to stay so you nodded your head enthusiastically. After putting the disk in, he dragged himself to the back of the bed so that his spine was against the wall as the television in front of him flickered into life. 

Reaction Time- A Tal Fishman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now