My PTXperience

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I'm gonna start off by saying this: I don't live in Florida. I live in Maryland. I saved up to buy PP tickets but since they were all sold out (curse you patrons) I used tho difference between the cost for PP and the cost for SC to buy plane tickets.

My PTX day started at 3 pm when I arrived at the BB&T center. The doors didn't open until 4. It was then that I met one of my Twitter friends Rebecca. She was the first internet friend I ever met. We hung out it line and chanted for a while. Then we went inside. They let the SC and PP people in first so I was heading in alone (Rebecca only had M&G).

I walked inside and got my GA bracelet and was led upstairs. Up there, I was briefly standing alone...until a whole bunch of people started coming up to me saying "You're Ollie, right? I've watched your covers on Twitter!"
It was WEIRD.

Anyways, I made friends with a group of people. I don't want to bore you with these details cuz this isn't what y'all want to read about.

Once the guide explained the M&G process to us, he led us down to the arena. We stood in a hallway where a black curtain was drawn over the entrance. My newfound friends and I were the first ones in line. The guide told us that he would tell us when we could go in. And so we stood there chatting until all of a sudden we heard singing coming from behind the curtain. Soundcheck had begun. Avi then proceeded to hit an extremely low note. All of us screamed and we heard Scott say "well I guess the soundcheck group is here."

We stood there for a LONG time listening to them running stuff on repeat. FINALLY it was time for us to walk in. I was the first one down the stairs.

They all walked down to the front of the stage and sat down. They all greeted us.
Please understand that this was my first time EVER seeing them in person. I was stunned as to how such a beautiful group of people could exist. I waved at all of them and they all said hi.

Me: "Mitch your hair looks aMAZing!"
Mitch: "My hair? Yes girl thank you so much!"
So the Q&A started. This adorable little boy kept calling out questions but they were sweet and answered him. I don't remember much of what was asked. I remember the young boy asked Kirstin who she loved the most out of Olaf, Jeremy, and Pascal.
She looked super embarrassed and took a while to answer.
Kirstin: "Jeremy, Olaf, then Pascal I guess but I love all of them."
Everything is mostly a blur for me...until Scott called on me.

Me: "Hi! I guess this question is mostly for Avi. I was just wondering if you could explain what it's like majoring in classical voice in college since that's what I'm planning on doing."
Avi: "Well it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. You have to be very focused and true to the music. But I think you'll be fine. You have an incredible voice."
I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped at this point.
Scott: "Yeah we all recognize you from Twitter. Your voice is beautiful so I have no doubt you'll be super successful one day."
Kevin: "Yeah you are so talented."
I almost passed out. I was definitely at least bright red.

They answered a few more questions and then performed NØ for us. While they were performing, everyone was staring at the trio. I decided to watch KO and we made eye contact. He smiled at me and waved a bit.

Then we had to leave. They started walking back stage but stopped part way to talk to someone. Before I ran up the stairs, I waved over towards where they were standing and Kirstin waved back.

They led us back up to the M&G area where all the regular M&G VIP people were already lined up in front of us. I didn't care though. I needed time for my heart rate to slow down.

All of my new squad was SQUEALING about how incredible the soundcheck was. I was still approximately the color of a tomato.

We slowly moved forward in line to get our photos taken. We watched them dab, blow kisses, hug, and even pick up a few fans.
Finally, it was almost my turn.

My PTXperienceWhere stories live. Discover now