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Hananaki Main Camp. Region 5.

Unknown P.O.V.

She was incredibly strong. She had managed to kill or defeat every single person we had sent to kidnap her. It was becoming a dilemma. That's why I was stuck in this accursed room with my father. We were discussing a strategy to capture one of the most powerful people on the planet. There was only one person as strong as her in this region of the world, her twin brother, Kage.

The two were the strongest representations of flora and fauna, the two life forces of the world.

"Rein Okinakage Tamashī is a huge threat to our tribe. She and her brother could wipe out our whole camp with a flick of their wrist. That is why they must be forced to either join us. Or destroyed."

"Yessir!" A band of voices responded. I remained silent. I hated that idea, and there was no way I was going to agree.

The leader of the group, Rikari, looked at me, who probably looked rather bored. He was my uncle, which meant if he, his brother, and my dad died, I'd be next in line to be the leader of the tribe. I hated that idea. I hated the way the Hananaki treated people. The way they had fallen once they rose to power. And especially what they wanted to do. It was evil. It wasn't what I wanted to do. I hated it. Almost as much as I hated the fact that I had been born into this tribe.


My fathers voice made me jump, "Yes?" I asked calmly.

"Answer Rikari when he's talking to you. I bring you to these meetings to prepare you for when you are needed to take over the tribe, not so you can daydream."

I nodded, not really caring. I didn't want to take over the tribe. I didn't want to carry on their legacy. I din't want ot be here, part of the tribe. No one cared though, and if I voiced my opinions, they'd most likely me. I turned to Rikari. "Yes?"

"Why didn't you accept your new orders?"

"Which ones?" Hakaru, Rikari's twin, facepalmed, and my father's eye twitched.

"To either get Rein and Kage to join, or to destroy them."

Oh... Right... I shrugged. "I don't think we should be forcing them like this." Several of the council members gaped, others gasped in shock. My father glared at me, rage filling his eyes.

Rikari looked unfazed, "Why, child?"

His calmness made me mad. I fought to keep my composure. "Neither of them knew we exisited until we started attacking them. They probably would've left us alone if we didn't pick the first fight."

"What makes you think that? Their mother has been an enemy of our tribe since our founding, or have you forgotten our history?"

My eye twitched, "Our history doesn't apply to us anymore." My voice was dark, "We were founded to provide a safe-haven for the damaged of Kiroshu. Now..." I chuckled bitterly, feeling my inherited inner demon surfacing. "Now that means nothing! We are just as bad as Kiroshu was. Providing safe haven to demons and those that posses them. We trick young ones into joining us. We lead them astray and ruin thier chances of being pure. We eliminate their childhood innocense! We are worse than Kiroshu." I stood up quicly, sending my chair flying backwards. "And you've forgotten, Rikari, their mother has changed; she was the one who brought down the Kingdon of Kiroshu."

I marched out of the council tent and into the midnight air before my father, Rikari, or my inner demon could do anything. I forced myself to take deep breaths to calm myself. I looked around at the urrounding tents, blobs of white that refelcted the weak light of the fading moon. I began to walk through the rings of tents and buildings, looking up at the sky.

Everyone was probably in shock, but I didn't care. The Hananaki were evil. I wasn't like them! I couldn't be! I wanted to scream it at the sky, to anyone that could hear.

I doubted that this was the path that was meant for me, it couldn't be.

Maybe I could create my own 'd be my own vision, my own ideas. Then I'd get the flora/fauna twins to join my side. Surely they'd agree to help me. And together, we could overthrow this accursed tribe. Erase them from existance.



Maybe some day I will.

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