Chapter 2

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--Chapter 2--

Unknown P.O.V.

She looked so helpless, chained to her bed. Her chains rattled as she tossed and turned in her dream. Her hair was slicked with sweat. I felt bad for her, even though I could tell anyone that, and I wasn't supposed to feel pity for the prisoners I helped my father care for. I would be questioned for treason, and my family, and the whole tribe would disown me. I would either be exiled or executed on that spot.

How could the Raneira be so harsh? The poor girl already had the Tamara and Hananaki on her tail... Perhaps the tribe leader thought that if we had this girl as prisoner, we would become the strongest tribe...

I did my rounds through the prisoners' cells as I thought about all of this. The world today was deffinately cruel.

I wonder when the girl will wake up? I wondered silently to myself as I passed her cell once more, and then exited the dungeon. Perhaps I'll be able to make friends with her....

Rein's P.O.V.

I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my cheeks as I watched a man from the Hananaki hold Kage by throat. I watched in horror as the life slowly drained out of Kage's eyes.

Shadows swirled angrily around the man's feet. I quick look showed they were my mom's. Had Kage inherited her shadows? I shook my head. this was no time to think about that.

I gasped as Kage's soul began to crack, and he started to glow with a bright, white light. I flashed back through my mom's memories. This had happened to my father! Kage's soul was being obliterated!

Pain filled Kage's features, but he didn't scream in pain like our father had. Kage was trying to stick the pain out. But why? I shook my head again, my mind in turmoil. Why didn't I move to destroy the man? I was frozen with shock. I couldn't move if I tried, so I was stuck, crying on the ground. Helplessly watching as a man from the Hananaki tribe killed my brother.

At the last moment, Kage's mind linked with mine. Be careful Rein. Avenge our deaths. Do not let this break you. You are strong Rein, and you carry the names of our parents. I-

His voice in my head was broken off by his scream of pain, and a blinding flash of light as his soul was destroyed. I joined in on the scream, our minds had been linked and I felt his pain as his soul exploded into millions of tiny pieces and rained down on the ground. My scream died down as something inside me snapped. The man turned to me, a sick smile etched on his face.

"You ready to join now?" His voice was cold, and it filled me with rage.


"Then I'll just have to kill you!"

My eyes narrowed at his sing-songy voice, and my voice grew dark, and was full of poison.

"You're an idiot. It will be me who kills you. And I won't stop there. I will kill every single one of your tribe."

Fear shined in his eyes and it seems somewhat satisfying. What was happening to me? Shadows swirled around me, pure white, regular, and invisible shadows. I' never been able to control anything but regular shadows... Had I inherited my mom's abilities?

'Rein. You are the next Guardian of the Shadows.' The shadows spoke to me.

Impossible! I had never been able to learn shadow tongue!

Then the shadows leaped at the man, surrounding me. An incredible power filled me, and a blade appeared in my hand. It was silver with fire running through the groves of the sword. This was my mom's shadowdancer blade! Black and white shadows swirled around the blade, it seemed to be mom's double shadowblade. None of this made sense!

Then, I lunged for the man, and everything went black.

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