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I have never done this but I am going to be adding some jokes a commenter told me to use! Full credit goes to:


She had two jokes so I'm going to put both jokes as one.

45 (Part One)-

There were three boys named Respect, Trouble and Superman.  

One day, while they were at a park they lost Trouble, so, they went to the police station to file in a report and Respect stayed by the door while Superman went to talk to the police officer. 

 Police: Who are you looking for? 

 Superman: I'm looking for Trouble 

 Police: *gets up from his chair* where's your respect?? 

 Superman: Oh, he's by the door 

 Police: *angry* WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???!!! 

 Superman: I'm Superman

45 (Part Two)-

A Chinese man went to U.S.A even though he didn't know any English. So he went to an opera and learned " mi my mi mi mi!"

Then he went to a restaurant and learned "Forks & knives, forks & knives"

After that he went to a magic show and obtained "Do it again! Do it again!"

One day, when he arrived at the apartment that he was living in with a roommate. It was a swarm of police and his roommate had died so that brought that poor man into a electric chair for questioning. Police: Who did this?Man: Mi mi mi mi mi!Police: With what weapon did you use?Man: Forks & knives, forks and knives!Police: What's your name?The man wasn't paying attention so the police officer shocked him and askedPolice: what do you have to say for yourself?Man: Do it again! Do it again!


I just copied and pasted these I did not edit them.

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