Bring Me To Life

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Oliver's POV

"Seanix!" I screamed her name once more as she fell to the ground. Chase used his powers to hold her long enough from hitting the ground so that she could be released into my arms as I slide under her to catch her body. She flops onto me, her brown wavy hair scattering all directions.

"This is what happens when you mess with us!" Roman shouts. Enraged, the rest of the team start to viciously attack them, as I stay protecting Seanix's inanimate body.

"Forget it! It's not worth it, not today," Riker says to his brother, then looks at me and the girl I cradle in my arms, "Besides, we already accomplished what we were here to do," he smirks. They both nod, turning into ravens and disappearing. The team starts to celebrate their victory.

"Guys..." Chase stops them, as they all realize that Seanix still hasn't moved since the boys blasted her, and they all run to gather around me.

"Is she..." Kaz trails off, and I know what he's thinking.

"I don't know. Chase?" I question the bionic teen.

"I'll do a scan," he begins to investigate, using his abilities to scan her body for signs of life, "Guys, I've got no signs of life," he glumly announces.

"No! It can't be," I hold onto her hand, "I can still feel her." The least I can do for her now is take these horrible chains off her. As I start to pull them off her Kaz helps me.

"I'm so sorry buddy," he says. As both, our hands start to touch Seanix I see a little spark. Kaz and the rest of the team notice it too.

"What was that?" Skylar asks.

"Chase rescan her," Bree commands. He does so, and he seems shocked afterward.

"I caught a small sign of life, but it was for a mere second, then disappeared," he concludes, "Oliver, you're ice censored powers and Kaz's fire censored powers must have combined within her body."

"If a small connection can do that, then what could happen if you guys tried to bring her back?" Skylar asks.

"It'd be as if we were reversing the effects of the electrical shock waves," I gather, then look at Kaz.

"Let's do it," Kaz announces. I gently place Seanix's body on the ground, knowing our plan is so crazy that it just might work.

"Stand back guys," I order. Kaz nods and we begin. We shoot both of our powers towards her body, giving it everything we've got. I see charged currents running up and down her body and she begins to seizure, body moving restlessly. I fight the urge to run to her and keep going. Once Kaz and I finish we all wait in silence until her body stops moving once more.

"Did it work?" Kaz asks breathlessly. We all just stare at her.

And then a gasp and wide eyes jump from her body.

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