Chapter // 7

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Luke's P.O.V
I was walking in the street from our house as i saw a flyer that came to me by the hard wind . I picked up the flyer and it was saying
Hey , come join with us were finding a singer that can also do  guitar . If your one of them come join us .
This is our number : 0916899743
Call us or just go to this location ... And come audition .

Hey i know how to play the guitar and well i can sing to , maybe i can join something without basketball related . I was finding an escape from this dumbshit life being a varsity and teamed with that dush bag josh . Well patricia was the only good thing that happened to my life and thats it .

As i got back at my house holding the flyer , as i got home i went upstairs as soon as possible . But i got bother by liz .

Hold on lucas what are you doing " mom said
Im getting my guitar from upstairs " i said
Okay where are you going then ? " liz asked
Im going to audition something " i said
Oh okay good luck for that audition " liz said
Okay thanks mom " i said as i got up stairs and got my guitar . I got down and continue walking outside.
As i was holding my guitar i realize i got a text message and it's from patricia
P: hey luke what are you doing  today ?
L: going to audition for a band
P: oh hey good luck then
L:thanks that means alot
P: aww haha
L : haha :P
I said as i put my phone in my pickets and continue walking to the audition
- audition -
Next one is Hemmings,luke " the guy with the red hair said as i smiled and went inside to their audition.
Hey im luke hemmings and im going to sing " when i was your man "
I should've bought you flowers
    And held your hand should've given you all my hours when i was your man ( A//N shit i think i messed up the lyrics ahahahaha )
- after the audition-
Me and all of the people that auditioned sitted all together . As they annoced who win .

Luke hemmings , congratulations welcome to our band " they three said
As i smiled and hugged them . They let me go in to their audition room i think ?
So im ashton " the one with the curly hair said 
Im calum " the one that has a sharp jawline
Im michael  " the one with a red hair said
Hi im luke hemmings " i said as we all had a group hug
We spend our time eating at McDonalds so that we can get to know more better .

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