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Im back , sorry i forgot to update yesterday . Before i start chapter 23 i just want to say that thank you for 201 reads and 400 followers , love ya'll .
Patricia's P.O.V
I woke up with a beautiful sun shining at me , i took a shower , brushed my hair , wore a greenday shirt with the matching pants from forever 21 . Got down stairs for my breakfast oh and also my break fast was waffles . I don't know what to do so i just watched Netflix . After the movie i've watched i didn't know what to do anymore . My phone rang as i opened it and it was a text from luke.
Luke : hey patricia
Patricia : yo whats up
Luke : are you doing something ?
Patricia : nope im currently bored
Luke : wanna come at my place ?
Patricia : what are we going to do ?
( A//N don't think about sex lol)
Luke : we are going to work
Patricia : what kind of work ?
Luke : just come , i can't handle to many questions 😝
Patricia : fine i'll be at your door bell , k bye .
I changed my pants and wore jumper instead . I told my mom that i'll be at luke's place and she said its alright .
I got out from our house and went to luke's house . I didn't used my car its because were just fucking neighbors haha.
I rang the doorbell and luke opened it for me .
Luke's P.O.V
Someone knocked in our door and im assuming its patricia , i opened the door and it was patricia .
We don't usually wear shoes inside our house but i let her wore it .
Me and patricia went to the living room where momma liz and daddy andrew is sitting at the coach . They stood up when she  saw patricia
Oh luke you brought your girlfriend " momma liz said as i looked at patricia as we both laughed a little .
Mom this is my bestfriend " i said
Goodafternoon mrs.hemmings " patricia  said
Oh honey just call me momma liz " mom liz said as i looked ar patricia and she smiled
Lets go to the other room , as we got to the other room
What kind of room is this ?  I mean what does it called ? " patricia asked
Well i don't know either , lets paint ? " i asked
WHAT ?! You didn't told me we are going to paint this room " patricia said
Well if you don't luke its fine " i said
No ! I love to paint " patricia said as i smiled . Oh then grab a paint brush and lets paint " i said as she grabbed one . We used gold paint for the room
When we were done painting patricia put a luttle bit of paint in my nose
Oops " patricia said while she giggled
As i put a paint on he cheeks
Oops " i imitated . As the paint war has began haha.
Momma liz cooked us popcorn we sat down on the floor and started eating popcorn .
I feel  my childhood again " patricia said as i nodded
Daddy Andrew called us for dinner
As patricia sat beside me . Ben and jack sat together mom liz sat as the corner of the table as dad andrew sat at the other corner of the table .
We started eating as dad andrew broke the silence .
So patricia what are you going to do tomorrow ? " andrew asked
Nothin' our house is boring and im not busy at all " patricia said
Luke why don't you invite patricia ? " liz asked
Invite where ? " i asked
Oh lucas .. Honey uhm patricia wanna go to our camping ? " liz asked
Sure " patricia said as i smiled
Great we will pick you up tomorrow " andrew said as patricia nodded
- after dinner -
Patricia and i was outside .
Hey luke before i go i just wanna tell that you family is kind and full of happiness i wish my family was like that too " patricia said
Your part of the family " i said as she smiled
Okay see you tomorrow i must go home " patricia said as i nodded

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