Chapter 3: "Looking for fun?"

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“Any word yet?” I asked Liam as I paced back and forth in the living room. He was on the phone with management; we’ve been looking for Cara since 10 this morning and its 8pm already.

“They said they’re trying their best.” Liam said hanging up the phone.

“Management should start doing bloody back ground checks because I’m done with this drama shit.” Louis complained for the thousandth time today.

“Niall please sit down you’re making me dizzy.” Zayn said pulling me down to the couch, my leg started to bounce just like hers the first day we saw her.

My eyes started getting heavier and heavier by the second. Liam passed out with his phone in his hand along with Zayn, everyone else was occupied by the TV. Why does this kind of stuff always happen to us? I mean Harry finally got the man-whore rep under control and everything was fine. Then management had to make the biggest decision that would probably end our career.

I slowly saw Louis’ eyes close and Harry’s followed. I tried and tried but the events of today were pulling them shut and soon enough everything went black.

Startled by the noise and yelling I jolted up. “Knock knock pussies!” they yelled from outside the door, that’s not Brendon’s voice. The screeching sound of tires racing away made me stand up. 2 small soft knocks played on the door,

“Louis,” I hit his arm, “Louis get up, there is someone at the door.” He scooted up on the couch and stretched.

“Well answer it half wit.” I rolled my eyes and slowly made my way to the door, turning the knob slowly the soft knocks started again. Opening the door fast and ready to swing but one look and my stomach did flips.

“Oh my gosh Cara, Louis come help me!” I yelled

“I’m sorry.” Her voice was shaky and in that moment she started to fall. I leaped forward and caught her, Louis helped me carry her to her bed. It’s the first time we’ve ever been in here, tissues with blood spots filled the trash bin.

As we laid her down her face was cut and bruised, her arms black, purple, and green. Her shirt was almost tore in half along with what used to be pants are now rough cut shorts. She’s bra and shoes less.

“Dear god what did they do to her.” I run my hands through my hair. “What do we do?” I turned to Louis.

“Call Kameron.” That’s all Lou said before he walked out. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

“Kam?” I said into the phone when the dial tone stopped.

Niall” I looked at the clock it’s barley 6am

“Sorry to wake you but it’s an emergency.” She said no more and was on her way.

Kameron has been in Cara’s room for almost an hour. Liam called Steve and said everything was under control and of course he didn’t hang up without reminding us we have 4 days till public time.

When her door finally clicked open we all rose. “She’s going to be okay she just took some medicine and she’ll be asleep for a while. She has a few bruised ribs and she’s going to need a lot of rest, she told me not to tell you this so she’s not a bother, but if you can give her these and rub this over the scars on her arm, face and bruises.” She said handing me pain killers and a tube of crème. “You’ll need to change her rib wraps. Oh and one more thing, make sure she eats, nothing big more soups and soft foods.”

“Thanks, sorry to wake you so early.” I said as I walked her to the door.

“No problem, and hey Ashley’s been asking for you so you should give her a call. You look like you could use some Ash time.” Kam walked out and I chuckled thinking back to the last time me and Ashley met up, boy was that a night.

I walked to Cara’s room and slowly opened the door; she was tucked in the blankets. She was in a change of clothes, she started to move as sat on the edge of the bed.

“Don’t worry I’m talking to Steve…when he answers my calls.” I scooted next to her pillow.

“Why would you do that?”

“I’ve only met you 3 days ago and I’ve already made a mess out of everything and Louis can feel better. It’s for the best, One Direction is One Direction and there shouldn’t be an addition.”

“Cara stop, you’re not doing this. So what if Louis’ throwing a fit when isn’t he.” I scooted closer to her. “Do you mind if I,” without her consent I slip my hand under her head so she was laying down on it, with my other hand I pushed back her hair. As her eyes beamed up at me I couldn’t help but see the red glossiness start to form.

“What happen?” I took a serious turn on the moment; she closed her eyes and shook her head. “Please, talking makes it better and I pinkie promise I won’t tell.” I held my finger up, she was hesitant but wrapped her small one around mine. She stayed quiet but maybe I would be too. “What happen after he took you?”

“He threw in the back of the truck we came in” She took a deep breath, wincing at the motion, “when I tried to run out he turned on the child proof lock. We drove to some empty parking lot or park; I tried running away once he let me out. He caught up and after that things went blank. I just remember waking up on the floor and hurting really bad, then I saw these guys jumping off the hood of the truck and walk over to me. It was just a lot of yelling and laughing at me and just pounding on me. On our way over here I couldn’t keep my eyes open and they started to mess with me that’s how I got here without my bra I guess and I think they kept my shoes.” She took a deep breath and inched closer to me, “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been pushed around by him, that how I got here.” I looked down at her and her eyes were closed.

“What do you mean?” If she didn’t want to join the band why would she sign the contract?

“I knew you guys wouldn’t like a 6th member let alone a girl, but he pushed and pushed and hurt me so much…I gave up after 2 days. The day we met was the day I let him drag me down there, he almost broke my hand forcing the pen across the paper. That’s why my eyes were so red, thank god I put down no manager or else he would be even more money hungry.” She looked up at me and I tried not to stare at her bruises. “One time he hurt me so bad I was forced to the hospital; I thought I gave pretty good hints to the nurse to call the police but all she did was flirt with him. He broke 3 fingers on each hand that nice, all because I tried to leave. I’m terrified of him and…and,” the tears started to fall.

“Shh, shh you don’t have to be afraid. I’m here now and you have 4 brothers to protect you now.”  Her hand slowly moved to the middle of my stomach and gripped my white tee.

“Niall?” she said with her eyes closed.

“Yes…” I looked down to her and continued running my fingers through her hair

“Can you stay with me tonight?” her voice was vulnerable and hurt, shaky and sad.

“You don’t even have to ask.” I reached back and shut off the small lamp,

In the middle of the night I can feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I looked down and saw Cara in the same position clutched on to my shirt. I reached back and pulled up my phone with closed eyes.

“Is there a reason why you’re calling at 1 o’clock in the morning.” I said through the phone.

Wow Horan good way to talk to an old friend.” Her seductive voice rang through the speaker and my eyes shot open.

“Ashley?” I tried to slide away from Cara, I walked out of the room and sat on the floor outside of her door.

I’m in town for a while, looking for fun? Don’t answer that now, meet me tomorrow at 12 at the café on 12th. Bye my Irish toy.” The line went dead and I finally exhaled.

Ashley’s in town and that only means one thing.

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