Chapter 6: The walk

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For the first hour, nobody knew what exactly to do. He just kept walking, well floating, in front of them and didn't say a word. It was nerve wracking. Sam and Tucker walked faster than the rest, on his demand. Why he wanted to keep them close was a mystery. But then again this whole trip was going to be a mystery. Not knowing where you were going was a big help too.

"Why are you all so silent?" Chronos asked.

"They're scared of you, can't you see?" Lancer replied.

"Guys," He hesitated. "I am not going to hurt you. Not because you said something or because you did something, I am never going to hurt you," He paused for a second before continuing. "I don't know if you can see, but I'm just like you. A seventeen-year-old who sometimes doesn't know what to do. When I was alive..." He broke off at that point. He swallowed thickly like he was suppressing a sob. "When I was alive I had friends and family who would worry about me when I came home late. I had a teacher that cared about me in the end. I am just like you in so many ways that you can't even imagine all of them."

"But you're so different at the same time," Tucker said "You're a ghost remember? You have weird powers that we don't have. You just teleported us for crying out loud! How could we ever be the same? I get that you look seventeen but you could be centuries old. How could we ever be the same." Tucker was out of breath after his little rant. He did regret it now that he had said it.

"Damn!" Chronos screamed. Everyone was scared out of their wits now. Why did Tucker anger the ghost again?

"Tell Me! Just tell me, what do I have to do to change that vision."

"You could start with not floating," Paulina suggested.

"And if you could wear your hood down, that would be great too." Kwan offered.

"Could you maybe stop for awhile? My feet are killing me!" Star stated.

"Sure we'll take a break." As everyone fell down in exhaustion, Danny smiled. He had gained some kind of trust. He landed on the ground and his ghostly tail phased back to two solid feet. He unclasped his cloak and folded it up next to him and sat down as well. It felt weird, being so close to the ground. Unconsciously, the class had formed a circle and as Danny sat down next to Tucker, he briefly believed that he was human again, on a field trip with his annoying class. He was snapped out of his dreamland when Valerie cleared her throat.

"Could you tell us something about yourself?"

"Sure. Where do you want me to start?"

"Well, could you tell us about when you were still alive?"

He hesitated. Could he tell them things about his life? Would they connect the dots and see that he was Danny?

"I could tell you a story but I think questions will work nicely."

"Sure!" Almost the entire class echoed.

"How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen right now. I died recently so no change in age and I'll keep ageing until I'm 25."

A few mutterings concerning his recent death swept over the group but they quickly calmed down when another question was asked.

"How did you die? If I may ask that is."

Danny had not yet completely forgiven Dash so he the words he spoke next were filled with venom.

"I was murdered. Someone tricked me into a fight and I was fatally wounded." His words were so cold and capped that no-one dared to ask further questions on that topic.

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