Running (Fiona)

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Some people (witches and warlocks alike) say my son is the product of a hookup. They say he's a monster in France. After I found out I was pregnant with him, I did the reasonable thing. I killed his father. Oh my god did that piss off Myrtle Snow. I didn't care of course, I'm against the bitches.

We were living in Paris when I just about had it with him being powerless, did I expect anything? Yes! Ragnaar walked in the house and I was gonna tell him that all he heard was true. (Not that I killed his father of course.) "Ragnaar? Will you come here, now." but as I was watching the news I saw in the little text at the bottom of the screen (the less important stories) that an American boy had given a blind man his sight back. I was gonna train this boy to be the most powerful warlock that existed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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