An Intro to Recovery

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Recovery is hard. That's the truth. I'm not going to give you any of that bullshit about how "you can do it!" And "recovery is easy, you just have to believe in yourself!" Because that's what it is: bullshit. Recovery is really fucking hard. This isn't a bullshit book. This is a recovery book.

It's like when you stop smoking you can't just say you'll never have another fag again and that's it. This is the same. You can't just say you're going to be happy and that's it. You can't just start smiling, throw away your blades, eat properly, love life again. It's not that easy. It takes time, effort, blood, sweat, tears. Lots of tears.

'Recovery' doesn't mean I never cry anymore.
'Recovery' doesn't mean I don't still have a stash of blades.
'Recovery' doesn't mean I can be in a crowd of people and feel nothing.
'Recovery' doesn't mean I eat 3 square meals every day.
'Recovery' doesn't mean I never have a bad day.
'Recovery' isn't a one way street.

Recovery is a process, a journey.

Broken things can't be fixed. You can try, but they'll never be the same again. Not really. That's the truth. Like I said, no bullshit. You can glue them back together, they can look 'good as new' but what you've been through, whatever it is that is the reason why you're reading this book, changes you as a person. Like your first 'loved and lost' moment. I fell in love for the first time last year and had my heart broken too soon after. It changed me. I grew up. That person will always be in my heart. But this isn't a book about love, no soppy romance novels for me, thanks.

The same way that person will always be in your heart, your demons will always be lurking behind you. But it's up to you to put up a wall between you and them, separate yourself. Don't let them break down the wall, don't let them back in.

I'll reiterate this, because it's so important for you to understand: recovery is fucking hard.

If you're not willing to put the effort in then just exit this book now. Lesson number one, kid. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

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