Chapter Eight

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PLEASE READ: I apologize for any mistakes. My laptop is not working, so I have to type up the chapters to my stories using my iPad and I'm not yet used to the keyboard. Sorry!

Because I can not italicize words, thoughts will be written like this: 'Thoughts'


A reader asked what Mariana looked like. I think I said how she looked in a previous chapter, but in case I didn't, you shall find out in this chapter (;

*~Mariana's POV~*

I went back down to my room, but I didn't run down from the attic like the first time te ghost had shown himself to mE. I just walked, in a sort of daze.

'I actually saw him' I realized. 'I wasn't crazy!'

...Or maybe I was? The ghost boy had said himself that only people who believed in ghosts could see him. Even if he materialized right in front of a nonbeliever...they wouldn't be able to see him, not even a little bit.

Was it crazy to believe in ghosts?

Turning around, I stared at the attic door, which I had closed while in my daze.

And realized that I had forgotten to ask him about last night!

Opening the attic door, I was about to go back up there. I had to ask him, I hoped that he didn't already vanish.

My foot was on the first step when...

"MARIANA!" It was Eric.

"WHAT?" I hollered back, irritated. I wanted to go into the attic!

"COME DOWN HERR!" There was a high impatience in his voice.

I groaned. "Fine!" My reply was quieter this time, so I wasn't sure if he had heard me or not.

Taking my foot off the step, I backed away from the attic's entrance and closed the door. I would have to go up there later.

I exited my room and walked downstairs. I heard Eric in the kitchen, so my legs went on autopilot, taking me there.

"What?" I asked once I spotted my overly annoying brother. He was seated at the table, glaring down at a plate of pancakes. He looked up.

"Do you know where the syrup is? It wasn't in the box with the pancake mix!" His face resembled a pouty two year old's.

I groaned, wanting to smack him upside the head. "Really Eric? That's REALLY what you called me all the way down here for?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the pantry. Opening the doors, I was met with an entire mess, some of which that fell into a pile at my feet. We haven't gotten a chance yet to organize the all.

Digging through the pile, I came up with nothing. No syrup. So I turned to what remained in that pantry.

I went through loads of stuff...before finally finding the syrup at the very back. I grabbed the bottle before tossing it over my shoulder. I didn't hear it crash to the ground, so I figured that Eric had managed to catch it.

"I didn't see it," Eric grumbled. I turned towards him in time to see my pig of a brother dump half of the bottle of syrup onto his pancakes.

Rolling my eyes again, I replied, "Well maybe you should look better next time."

He looked up at me. "I did look!" He protested.

"Whatever," I shook my head.

Eric grumbled a bit before stuffing a huge bite of pancakes in his mouth. I groaned in disgust.

He just laughed, causing chewed up pancakes to spew everywhere.

I gagged, instantly feeling like I was going to barf after catching sight of his breakfast. Turning away from him, I mumbled, "Im going back upstairs."

"What?" He asked. From the sound of his voice, I could tell that he still had food in his mouth.

I cringed in disgust. "Swallow before speaking," I spat out. He laughed again...but luckily listened to me and swallowed the bite of pancake.

"What?" He repeated, looking at me.

"I'm going back upstairs." I told him, louder this time.

"Why?" His question caught me off guard. I froze.


"Why're you going back upstairs?" He questioned.

Shit...I couldn't think of an excuse!

" reason." I rushed.

I saw him roll his eyes. "Suuuuuure," he didn't believe me. I ignored him and ran out of the kitchen, and up the stairs.

Slowing to a walk once I reached the second floor, I walked down the hall to my room. I opened the door and stepped in, being sure to close it again, behind me.

Before going upstairs, I caught my reflection in my mirror, which was the one thing I managed to unpack yesterday.

My hair was a mess. It was brown, straight, and fell to the center of my back, but right now it was all jumbled in a tangled heap. Grabbing a hairbrush, I managed not to cringe as I practically tore all of my hair out trying to get the tangles.

But somehow, my hair wasn't all tore out by the time I finished brushing it.

Examining my bluish greenish eyes, I decided not to put any makeup on. Especially since I was just staying home. So I just wiped the sleep out of them.

Glancing down at my pajamas, I decided not to change. I was just wearing blue plaid pajama pants and a dark blue long sleeve shirt so I was decent. I just decided to throw on a pair of socks.

The attic was FREEZING.

After putting on some socks, I looked at myself again.


I was ready.

Ready to...ya know...start talking to a ghost.

I went over to my bedroom door first, making sure it was locked. I didn't need Eric to sneak up on me while I was in the attic.

If he saw me talking to a ghost...there was no telling what the hell he would do.

Oh wait.

Yes there was.

Because he wouldn't see me talking to a ghost. He wouldn't be able to see Ghost it would look like I was just talking to myself.

He would call me crazy.

And God knows I didn't need THAT happening. He already thought I was crazy enough.

After locking the door, I walked over t the door. I opened it and walked up the stars, this tie not even bothering to grab a flashlight or to turn on the dim light.

The spirit seemed to prefer for it to be dark.

I walked up the stairs and into the center of the room.

"Ghost boy?" I called out, my voice just barely a whisper.

He manifested right in front of me.


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