Chapter 3

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.

"Sooooo, let me get this straight." Iruka sighed, "You are a secret Hokage, the strongest person in the village, you are only a Genin; have been acting this hole time at the academy and I've been kinda disrespectful to you?" Anko and Naruko looked at each other and shrugged.

"Pretty much." This said in sync,
"Either you can keep the secret or I can place a memory seal on you so you'd forget everything that took place in the forest and it would be replaced with new memories of how I 'Suddenly' graduate." Naruko suggested randomly. Iruka thought about it for a second then shook his head, he'd rather know who his Hokage was then not know at all. Naruko have him a foxy smile and patted his head, she then turned her focus to her paper-work and hissed. She hated paper-work with a passion; but, she had found out a way to defeat it.

Evil paper work defeat= Shadow clones.

Mwhahaha! She never told her sensei of how she defeated the paper-work, he'd just come in one day and see all the stacks of paper-work gone. Even her father had found the way to defeat the paper-work. Her sensei would never know.

After shooing everyone out of her office so that only the AnBu remained she quickly made a shadow clone that got to work on the paper-work, Naruko did her evil laugh for around three minutes. Then hidden Anbus; Cat and Lizard; looked at her weirdly then shrugged it off. After all, it was an everyday occurrence. They had learned to get used to it.. but it was still wired. Even for them.

*Next week at graduation*

Naruko strolled into the classroom quietly, sending a slight nod to the hidden AnBu to leave. She strolled to the seat by her rival; Sasuke Uchiha.

She noticed the odd looks she got from him and his fan girls but didn't do anything about them. Kiba then came stomping up to her. He yelled right into her face.

"What the hell are you doing here deadlast!" He screamed angrily. Naruko couldn't stop herself from smirking. She was amused.

"Well dog-breath.... are you blind?" Naruko asked loudly. Kiba shook his head, clearly confused.
"Oh, I guess I would have thought you would have noticed the headband on my four head, I guess your just overly stupid." She lends back in her chair, making herself look badass.

Kiba fumed, some of the class giggled or chuckled while some out right laughed at him. The dobe had just humiliated him! He would get revenge.

Sasuke silently snickered to himself, he was kind of glad the dobe was finally sticking up for herself. Before she would just ignore the comments or taunts she got.

She used to only react to him.

He was a little saddened by the fact that someone else had set her off.

He shrugged it off as a feeling of annoyance.

After all, it wasn't everyday that someone could make their Hokage go off.

Yes he knew that she was the Hokage.

He found out some time ago.

*Flash back :)*

Sasuke looked at his blood stained house, his parents bodies laying on the ground.


Sasuke hated the color red.


He needed to hate Itachi.

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