Chapter One

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She was exhausted; the amount of people who were turning to her for help was increasing, she was beginning to wonder if she would ever get any help with the work but she knew in her heart what the answer was; a resounding hollow ‘no’. This was her work and hers alone.

With a sigh, she flicked the switch on the coffee machine; she still had to complete the cleansing; she would feel better after a coffee and the removal of the spirit toxins she had absorbed that day.

Twenty years had passed since she had been visited by the angels and given this gift, but after all this time it was starting to feel like a curse, there was no time for her, she had never had a proper relationship with a man, even her holidays were usurped by the work. How could she complain though? She was considered as one of the luckiest people ever to walk the Earth; she regularly won large sums of money often without entering the competition, the angel had told her she would be rewarded but she never expected it to be that way.

Anna shook her head to clear the negativity that was pervading into her consciousness and headed for the jar. Sitting on the floor of her living room she placed the jar directly in front of her, lifted the lid and closed her eyes; a low humming began and Anna gently rocked back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm, the warmth began to spread down her body from her head and she raised her hands to hover just above the jar. Focussing on the warmth; she slowly expelled the darkness from her aura until the light was almost too bright even with her eyes still closed, she sent a pulse of light out from her, opened her eyes and slammed the lid back onto the jar. Her light and warmth faded and the darkness in the jar swirled angrily like trapped smoke.

Wiskie meowed from the doorway and padded away to the kitchen; a subtle hint to Anna that it was high time she fed him. She pulled herself to her feet, picked up the jar and placed it in the alcove before following the cat.

Dinner for Anna was almost as easy as dinner for Wiskie, it required just a couple of taps on her phone and a Chinese meal for one was heading her way; she wasn’t unable to cook but today had been long and tiring so she simply didn’t have the energy to hover around the kitchen.

She logged on to her computer and opened her music files, hitting play and random she moved on to her emails as an old 80’s track started. A sigh escaped her as she saw the number of new emails; the doorbell rang and Anna went to collect her dinner, bringing it back to her desk so she could eat as she waded through her messages.

An hour later, she had separated the urgent from the non-urgent and trashed the rest. Wiskie jumped onto her lap and curled up while she began the process of replying to the seven urgent messages and the 34 non-urgent ones, explaining to some that she could not find lost items or pets or people, or that she was not able to tell them the winning lottery numbers, that was not what she did.

Anna cleansed auras, she helped lift depression, she helped heal emotional wounds and she helped people find their path when they had got lost. She absorbed it all and cleansed herself when she got home using the Angel Jar; she glanced over at it from her desk to see how it was doing, the smoke was no longer swirling but it had yet to solidify, proof that it had been a heavy day.

Wiskie stretched and dug his claws into her thigh causing her to jolt awake, it was late, she needed to go to bed or she would be useless the next day. Lifting the cat into her arms she stood and stretched her neck and back before she walked to her bedroom. The cat complained at being moved and jumped down to go and curl up on the sofa instead,

“Getting a visit tonight, am I Wiskie?” Anna asked the cat; since he normally slept on the bed too, he looked up at her then put his head back down and closed his eyes.

There he was; completely unchanged from when she had first seen him, he was beautiful. Anna had received occasional visits from the angel over the years but she had never really got used to him, he relaxed her, she knew she was safe, she trusted him completely but she couldn’t say she was comfortable with him. Perhaps it was foolish to want to be comfortable with an angel; you couldn’t exactly invite them round for tea on Sunday!

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