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Anna knew she was dreaming, she had to be, nobody glowed like the man in front of her at that moment. When he raised his hand and beckoned her forward she stood and moved towards him, something about him was reassuring, she had never felt safer in the 12 years of her life.

The man smiled and rested his hand on her head; warmth began to spread through her body and she saw that she was beginning to glow too; she glanced up at his face to see him give her a small nod as he removed his hand.

Another man appeared from behind him with what looked like a good-sized glass jar, he passed it to the first man who handed it to her. In her mind she heard a voice

This jar will not break so long as you maintain the gift just bestowed upon you

Anna tried to speak; to ask what the gift was but her voice would not come, the man seemed to hear her thoughts though because she again heard the voice.

You are the Aura Cleanser, you will learn in time how to use the gift fully; the jar is needed to assist you in your work. You will be rewarded at regular intervals. It is time to go now.

He lifted his head, shivered slightly and a pair of enormous, pure white wings appeared, he rose from the ground and with a small smile and a wave farewell, he was gone.

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