Minority Influence

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In order for the minority to influence the majority, they must demonstrate 3 characteristics:

Consistency: If the minority are consistent and do not deviate from their original view, they are more likely to be influential as they cause the majority to consider their issue carefully.

For example, in Moscovici's (1985) study, a consistent minority were able to influence 8% of the majority to convert to their viewpoint when identifying colours on the slides.

Commitment: The minority must demonstrate commitment to their cause (e.g. make sacrifices). This draws attention to the cause and causes the majority to consider the importance of the argument.

For examples, the Suffragettes made sacrifices such as going to prison in order to gain rights for women.

Flexibility: Although the minority should remain consistent, they must not be rigid. They should be willing to compromise so it shows the the minority are not unreasonable.

For example, the Suffragettes compromised when the government allowed women over the age of 21 years to vote despite the minimum voting age of men being 18.

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