Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Luke Skywalker looked around him in wonder. He was encased with too many skyscrapers to count. He realized where he was, recognizing it from Holos and the descriptions his sister gave him. So, this is the Imperial Center... it's just like Leia said it was. He gazed at the many speeders flying overhead curiously.

He frowned. How did this happen! He had just closed his eyes to shield them from the blinding blue light when it just stopped as suddenly as it started. When he had opened his eyes, he was on the capital. Wait a minute, where are all the stormtroopers? Surly they would be everywhere. But then again, this doesn't look like the Imperial Center.

The young Jedi sighed. After few more moments of gazing he heard two voices arguing playfully.

"Now what did you say before you left rather rudely." the speaker was a man, fairly tall and well-built with red hair and a short beard. He sounds familiar. I wonder who he is?

"It was nothing, I swear!" his friend was built the same but looked much younger with dark blond hair and a thin scar on his left eye. Hmm, also sounds familiar.

He was grinning mischievously. Suddenly he turned around and met Luke's questioning stare, as if he had sensed it. His smile was still there and if possible it grew bigger when he saw Luke's blush. "It's not polite to eavesdrop ya know." he commented. Suddenly his smile disappeared.

"Sorry. I just thought your conversation was rather amusing. I don't know who you are though so if I could just go..." Luke tried to step around the duo but the youngest man stepped in front of him.

"I'm surprised you didn't know who we were as soon as you laid eyes on us. Are you sure you don't recognise us?" the elder man replied. Luke was starting to prefer him over his friend. He's much more polite.

Luke shook his head. "Nope sorry. Should I have?"

"Haven't you watched the Holonet lately? The Dynamic Duo ring a bell? The Hero With No Fear and his counterpart The Negotiator?" The more polite man snorted softly when his friend described himself 'modestly'. At Luke's frown, the man went on.

"No? Oh,well I'm Anakin Skywalker, and this is my former master Obi-wan Kenobi. We just happen to be Jedi and I can tell that you are trained. Funny thing is, I don't recognize you from the temple." he paused dramatically. "Which either means you're new, a sith, or you were trained in secret. The funny thing is, your too old too be trained, you have no dark presence at all, so that leaves the latter. Is it true?"

Luke had stopped listening when Anakin had declared his name. This can't be my father, yet I can sense he's telling the truth. The blinding white and blue light. Of course! It's the only explanation... sithspit! I'm in the past! Sith, this is not good. But to be sure...

"Aren't you a general in the Clone Wars or something?" he inquired as casually as he could with this new-found information, purposely avoiding the question.

"Yep." his father stated proudly. "Guess you do know who we are. Even if you didn't answer my question. I guess it doesn't matter anyways since we're taking you to the Jedi temple. Conveniently, we were just heading there anyways, so you can just tag along."

"Umm, is it really neccesary? If I don't leave now I'll be late for my hair appointment. Please? I'll do anything! Like..." The look on Anakin's face shut him up. Luke sighed. "Fine. Whatever. But I'm not happy about this." Then he realized it, just as the two Jedi turned around and started walking. Force, I could steer my father away from the darkside. He smiled softly and started jogging after the two men, who were now waiting somewhat patiently. He quickly passed them. To the Jedi Temple I go. Wonder what it's like there. Ben said it was magnificent.

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