Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Leia's POV

Leia woke up with her back hurting, along with every other inch of her body. "Ouch." she murmured, still half asleep. Looking at her surroundings, Leia relised she was in the Falcon. Everything from last night flooded back in a rush of memories.

"Luke!" she said, remembering his walk. Leia got up quickly, making herself presentable before going to find him and chewing him out for worrying her.

Where is everybody?

She made her way out of the Falcon and into the hanger. The chaos was immediately noticeable. The young senator made her way to an officer she knew.

"What's going on, and why wasn't I informed?"

He gulped, obviously afraid of her anger.

"We didn't want to worry you ma'am. but...but..."

"Spit it out!" Leia demanded.

He sighed. "Luke's gone missing. We've looked everywhere, but we can't find him."

Leia paled. Oh no, Luke. Not you. You're all I have left!

She put on a strong face. "Have you searched the forest?"

The man nodded. "Every place you could think of. Nada. Nothing. It's like he disappeared from the galaxy. Everybody is getting really worried too."

Leia dismissed him, holding back tears, running to find Han. Luke, where are you?

Luke walked into a large room, feeling more confused then ever. I should have looked up more things on the Jedi Temple in my free time. He glanced at all the people in the room, his gaze settling on the people he knew for a few seconds. When he came to Yoda, he held back a gasp at his former teacher's form, glad to see him alive again. Luke didn't know how to greet the Jedi Council, but he felt himself bowing after standing next to Anakin Skywalker.

Where did that come from?

He brushed it off, deciding to meditate on it later. Ughh, meditation. I hate meditation!

A second later the council addressed him.

"What's your name?" It wasn't a Jedi he recognized. He was tall, but the most noticeable feature about him was he was bald. He felt the power radiate from him, so he answered him truthfully.


"What about a last name?"

Bad question to ask. What do I say?

"Solo." He knew that the others knew that he was lying, but they didn't comment any further.

"Mr. Solo, why do you have a lightsaber on you."

"I'm a Jedi of course." Sithspit! Me and my big mouth.

The man's eyebrows rose. "Who trained you, and where are you from?"

Luke decided to give a half-truth again. "I'm from a moisture farm on Tatooine-" he felt his father stiffen alongside him, just like Luke had as he said it. "And my teacher was old Ben, a nearby Hermit."

I wonder why my father hates Tatooine too.

"How old are you?"


"Do you know the ways of a Jedi?"

Luke shrugged. "Sorta. I only learned the basics. How to use a lightsaber, how to use the Force, and not really much else."

"Why are you here?"

Luke frowned. "I don't know. I was taking a walk in the forest -"

"A forest on Tatooine? I've never heard of such a thing." the man said.

Once again, me and my big mouth.

"No, it was on Endor. My friends and I were having a party with some of the natives. It was amazing."

The man seemed to like that answer. He motioned for Luke to continue."Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! I was walking in the forest when suddenly, a blue light came and engulfed me! I closed my eyes because it was so bright, and when I opened them, I was on the Imp- Coruscant."

Phew, that was close.

"That must have been the disturbance in the Force we felt Masters!" his father commented. They all looked thoughtful before agreeing with him.

"Weird, this is." Yoda said. Luke jumped, surprised to hear him speak for the first time. "Through the Force, Young Luke was brought to us." Luke winced at the word young. "An asset to us, I think he is. Stay with General Skywalker, he must."

Anakin's mask fell showing shock for a couple of seconds, before it changed back to its usual expression. "What am I supposed to do when I go on missions with Obi-wan?" he asked.

Please let me go with, please let me go with, please, please, please!

"With you, he will go."


"Teach him all the things he needs to know, you will. Dismissed you two are." Yoda replied.

Anakin frowned a bit before bowing. Luke, not knowing what else to do, followed suit, before walking out of the room behind his father. Anakin let them walk into the elevator before asking Luke questions.

"Why are you lying about your last name?"

Luke winced. "It's not like I want to lie. It is the only choice!"

"No it's not. You could just tell me now since we are going to be living together for the next however many days." He sounded annoyed, and Luke knew why. He didn't want someone he had to pull around wherever he went. But the 'Living together for the next however many days' kept racing through his head.

Wow. Living with my father for the next few days. Awesome!

"Look. I'll tell you when the time is right. I promise."

He seemed to accept that answer for the time being. "I will hold you to that too. Its getting late." The elevator's doors opened. "We should get some shut-eye." he said, when the duo had reached his apartment.

"The guest room is over there." the man pointed where he meant. "Night." he said briskly.

"Night." Luke said walking toward it. He turned back around.

"I know you don't want me here. I'll try to behave. Emphasis on try."

"Okay Luke." he said, holding back a laugh. Then his father turned on his heel and left.

I am so glad he's warming up to me.

Luke turned back around, went to his room, and got ready for bed. He was just about to jump into a very-warm-looking bed when something hit him. Hard. His head felt like it was being split open. He was only able to cry out as his legs gave out from under him and everything went black. Before it did however, he heard a woman's voice say "Luke, where are you?", and someone run into his temporary room...

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