Chapter 3

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Liv's pov:
Tyler told us to run. I honestly don't know why. Annie Brennan and I ran one way. We though that Katie and Caleb were behind us. We ran to Annie's house. We ran up to her mom and dads bedroom. When we got there we hid. I went under Annie's moms hamper. Annie hid under another one of her moms hampers and Brennan hid under another hamper. Annie's mom has a lot of clothes so she has three hampers. After a couple of minutes I heard a noise.
Caleb's pov:
Katie and I ran when Tyler told us to run. We went to my house but there was no room. Then we ran to Caleb's house. Caleb unlocked the door to his house and we ran up stairs and looked for Annie Liv and Brennan. We knew that they went to Caleb's house. We finally found them when something came upstairs.
I'm so excited for summer like I've never been this excited I guess it's cause I get to see some of my best friends that I haven't seen in months and I hate more than half of my teachers😂

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