Marvel and Rue's death and the explosion

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We have been up for a while just waiting for some prey to come, but none does, "Hey guys! Smoke!" Marvel says. We look over to the sky and see smoke wafting in the air, who would be so stupid? Oh well, their mistake. We argue about if Michael should come with us, Cato ends the argument with throwing Michael a spear and sprinting towards the smoke, us right behind him. We run to the fire and into the clearing and find..... Nothing! There is just a giant fire, then we see more smoke, it must be a trick but Cato runs toward that fire, nothing! Then we hear it, there is a giant boom and a rumble, I fall onto my butt and shake my head. Marvel helps me up, "THE TRAPS!" Cato screams. We run back to the cornucopia to find OUR STUFF IS BLOWN UP! Smoke fills the air and Michael stands there with a shocked look on his face, I mouth run but he doesn't get the message fast enough, Cato runs up to him and twists his neck, Michael falls to the ground. While Cato is having a fit Marvel goes to check his traps and I try to find something to salvage, nothing but some apples, crackers, beef jerky one water bottle and two sleeping bags. It's still something, I guess. Cato has finished his fit and now he is demanding we go and look for fire girl, oh well. Then we hear it, a cannon! We look at each other and smile, one less person, unless, "What if that was Marvel!" I cry.
"Oh well, we didn't need him!" Cato replies.
"I said, WE DON'T NEED HIM!" Cato yells. I jump back and nod quietly. I stomp off into the trees, ignoring Cato's shouts. I have to take a break from him.
I come into a clearing in the woods and see two figures laying down, one is the dark-skinned little 12 year old, I think her name was Rue. The second person sends my eyes watering, laying in the grass with a spear right next to him and a pool of blood is Marvel. I stand gaping at his body before I see the flowers, around Rue! It must have been fire girl! It has to be! I will get her for this! I will!

That night Marvel's picture is in the sky, and I cry myself to sleep in my sleeping bag, facing away from Cato, who maybe I loved.

Fanfiction: A Clato story part 3Where stories live. Discover now